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Set out below is a brief summary of the main amendments of interest to the Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) contained in Bill C-8, An Act to establish the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada and to Amend certain Acts in Relation to Financial Institutions. Bill C-8 was introduced in Parliament on February 7, 2001 and will likely be passed into law by June 2001.
The summary is divided into three sections:
I. Community Reinvestment and Financial Institution Accountability;
II. Consumer Protection; and
III. Mergers, Takeovers and Other Ownership and Control Issues.
Where it is not too complicated to do so, and in areas of primary interest to the CCRC, the section numbers from Bill C-8 are set out after the summary of each amendment. After each amendment that does not match the CCRC's recommendations, under the heading "Changes Needed to Close the Gaps in Bill C-8" and marked by ******* the gaps between the Bill C-8 amendment and the CCRC's recommendations are set out in brief.
The CCRC's recommendations are set out in detail in the CCRC's nine Position Papers and two reports published since September 1997. Links to all the Position Papers and reports can be found on the CCRC homepage.
I. Community Reinvestment and Financial Institution Accountability
(a) Public Accountability Statements
Bill C-8 requires banks and other financial institutions with equity
(shares) of $1 billion or more to publish an annual statement describing
the contributions of the bank and its affiliate companies to the Canadian
economy and society. The contents of the statement, which of a bank's affiliates
will have to have a report in the statement, and how and when the statement
will be disclosed to the public will all be defined by regulations (section
119, 409).
(b) Business financing
The government has publicly committed to setting up a comprehensive
Statistics Canada program of data collection and analysis about small-
and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) debt and equity financing. The details
of what data will be collected will be determined in consultation with
data providers and potential users. The government has also publicly committed
to creating a dedicated SME Finance Group at Industry Canada to analyze
data and conduct surveys and undertake other research. The government has
also publicly committed to encouraging, but not requiring, financial institutions
to reduce turnover of account managers, decentralize credit granting processes,
make credit available to higher-risk borrowers with appropriate pricing
and innovative financing packages. The government has also publicly committed
to establishing a working group with financial institutions and First Nations
to lower the barriers to financing Aboriginal businesses (e.g. the fact
that on-reserve property cannot be seized by banks, and so cannot be used
as collateral for financing).
(c) Micro-credit financing
The government has publicly committed to encouraging financial institutions
to explore partnerships and other means of increasing micro-credit programs.
Changes Needed to Close Gaps in Bill C-8
More detailed Public Accountability Statements - As set out
in the CCRC's third and fifth position papers, the Public Accountability
Statements should be as broad and as detailed as required under the over
20-year-old U.S. Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), and require banks
and other financial institutions of any size to disclose detailed information
on a branch-by-branch basis about their lending and investment records
for business and community development projects (especially for affordable
housing) and their service records for all customers.
Specifically, financial institutions should be required to track and
disclose small business financing initiatives and amount of lending to
small business categorized by size of loan and region of loan; investments
or partnerships in micro-credit programs; examples of funding provided
to local governments and voluntary agencies for community works; location
of branches opened and closed; initiatives to improve access to banking
services; national amount of charitable donations and examples; employee
volunteer activities; number of individuals employed; and taxes paid to
all levels of government. In addition, financial institutions should be
required to track and disclose for business and community development (especially
affordable housing) lending and investment: the number of applicants, and
the number approved and rejected, with reasons for rejections, as in the
U.S.; the number of loans and investments called by the institution; the
default rate and loss rate for loans and investments; and, as in the U.S.,
the above information categorized by size of loan or investment; size,
type and location of the business or development; and gender of the business
Financial institutions should also be required to track and disclose
for their service record: the number of complaints received, and the rate
of resolving complaints; and the number of lawsuits initiated by customers
against the institution, and the number won, lost or settled, as compared
to lawsuits by the institution.
A review, grading and sanctions system - As set out in the CCRC's
fifth and sixth position papers, the federal government should evaluate
the above data and grade each financial institution's performance in serving
each community, as in the U.S. The public should have the right to make
submissions to evaluators about the performance of financial institutions.
The institution would receive a poor grade if the evaluation reveals, for
example, that the institution arbitrarily rejects certain types of loan
applicants, maintains excessive barriers to access to basic banking services,
or has a high rate of complaints or successful lawsuits against the institution.
In addition, the following incentives should apply to financial institutions
to encourage them to improve their performance: (1) as Ontario has done,
governments at all levels should insist on a satisfactory performance rating
before services are contracted out to a financial institution; (2) government
should be permitted to deny applications to expand by a financial institution
with an overall failing grade; (3) senior representatives of the financial
institution should have to attend a public meeting in any community where
the institution has a failing grade to explain how the institution plans
to improve its performance; (4) the current fines set out in financial
institution legislation should be levied against institutions with failing
grades; and (5) as Ontario has done, federal and provincial governments
should consider imposing a surtax on financial institutions, combined with
a tax credit that could be applied to the surtax based on the institution's
performance in meeting community needs.
II. Consumer Protection
General Change Needed to Close Gaps in Bill C-8
Consumer protection rules should be in the law, not in regulations
or codes - Financial institutions do not comply, and never will comply,
with any voluntary codes, as revealed by the CCRC's June 1999 national
survey report on financial institution which showed that 96% of financial
institution branches surveyed were not complying with the February 1997
voluntary code on access to banking services. Therefore, governments should
not use voluntary codes to regulate the behaviour of financial institutions
in any way. All consumer protection measures should be set out in the law,
not in regulations, and especially not in voluntary codes.
(a) Access to banking services
Bill C-8 requires certain types of bank branches to open a personal
account for any individual who meets certain requirements, and prohibits
these branches from requiring an initial minimum deposit or that a minimum
balance be kept in the account (sections 97, 107 to 111). Bill C-8 proposes
requiring certain types of bank branches to open a type of low-fee retail
deposit account for any individual who meets certain requirements (sections
107 to 111). The definitions of branches and accounts that will be covered
by these requirements, and the definition of individuals who will be eligible
to open such accounts, will be defined in regulations. The federal government
has publicly committed to monitor federal deposit-taking institutions efforts
to make all branches wheelchair accessible, and to work with trust companies
to establish voluntary codes on access and low-cost accounts.
(b) Cashing cheques and holds on cheques
Bill C-8 requires bank branches that have tellers to cash a government
cheque of up to a certain amount if the cheque is presented by an individual
who does not have to have an account with the bank, but must fulfill other
specific requirements (section 117). The Bill also requires banks to disclose
their hold policies for other types of cheques to customers in writing
(section 110). The amount and circumstances under which a government cheque
will have to be cashed will be defined by regulation. The Canadian Payments
Association is working on standards for clearing other types cheques, and
the government claims its regulations and these standards will effectively
limit holds on cheques.
Changes Needed to Close Gaps in Bill C-8
Right to a low-cost account at any institution - As set out
in the CCRCÕs second position paper and June 1999 national survey
on access to banking services, anyone who can present two pieces of identification
(no photo should be required), or one piece of identification and a community
leader to vouch for their identity, should have a right by law to open
an account at any branch of any financial institution, including trust
companies, except if fraudulent activity is proven by the financial institution.
Right to cash cheques at any institution, and limits on all cheque holds
- Anyone who can present two pieces of identification (no photo should
be required), or one piece of identification and a community leader to
vouch for their identity, should have a right by law to cash any government
cheque at any branch of any financial institution, including trust companies,
except if fraudulent activity is proven by the financial institution. And
instead of relying on the Canadian Payments Association standards, legal
limits should be set on holds on all deposited cheques, as in the U.S.
(c) Branch closures
Bill C-8 requires those bank, trust company and other deposit-taking
financial institution branches that have tellers that open personal accounts
and give cash to customers to give notice if it withdraws those services
or if it is going to close. How far in advance the notice must be given,
and how and to whom it must be given, and under what conditions the bank
will be required to hold a consultation meeting with customers of the branch
and others will be defined in regulations (sections 119, 526) The government
has publicly committed to requiring federal deposit-taking institutions
to provide 4 months notice of branch closures to customers by contacting
local authorities and newspapers and by posting a notice in the branch
(6 months notice will be required where there is no other financial institution
branch within 10 kilometres of the branch being closed). The government
has also publicly committed that the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
will order banks to convene a consultation meeting if the bank is not consulting
customers adequately.
Changes Needed to Close Gaps in Bill C-8
Full disclosure of reasons for branch closure - As set out in
the CCRC's second position paper, financial institutions should be required
to disclose a branch's profit/loss record and net income before reducing
services or closing any branch (not only branches with tellers), and be
required to consult with customers and the community in a meaningful way
in every case, to ensure a full public review before services are reduced
or a branch is closed.
(d) Privacy protection
The government passed Bill C-54 allowing financial institutions (and
other federally regulated businesses) to share private customer information
with others if the customer consents explicitly or implicitly.
Changes Needed to Close Gaps in Bill C-8
Explicit consent should be required - As set out in the CCRC's
fifth and sixth position papers, financial institutions should be required
to obtain explicit consent from a customer before any of the personal information
gathered from the customer can be shared with anyone else.
(e) Coercive tied selling
Bill C-8 prohibits a bank from practising "tied selling" through which
the bank will only offer a product or service to a customer if the customer
also buys another product or service from the bank. The Bill also requires
that banks disclose the prohibition on tied selling in a clear statement
displayed and available to customers at every branch. (sections 118, 148)
(f) Transparency and disclosure
Bill C-8 gives Cabinet the power to make regulations concerning disclosure
of information of any product, service, policy, procedure or practice of
a bank or other federally-regulated financial institution, or any consumer
protection measure (section 119, 149, 155, 409, 519, ). The government
has publicly committed to working with the provinces and the financial
services industry to develop model, voluntary, plain-language contracts
that fully disclose relevant information to customers.
Changes Needed to Close Gaps in Bill C-8
Transparency and disclosure should be detailed and required by law
- Transparency and disclosure, and every other consumer protection measure,
should be required in plain language and full disclosure rules set out
in the law, not in regulations. In addition, disclosure rules should require
disclosure in annual reports of the costs, revenues, and profit margins
of financial institutions' in-branch, bank machine, Internet, and credit
card operations to ensure that pricing for these products does not amount
to gouging of consumers. ***************************************
(g) Government-run Financial Consumer Agency
Bill C-8 creates a new Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) made
up of a Commissioner and staff with full powers: to review financial institutions
compliance with the consumer protection measures in the new law; to fine
violators of such measures (maximum $100,000 fine for each violation);
to promote such measures; to educate consumers and others about such measures;
and to publish an annual report about violations of such measures. The
FCAC will be funded by the federal government and also through financial
assessments of financial institutions, in part based upon the number of
complaints received about each institution (sections 3-34, 114, 116, 119,
147, 173, 325, 449, 545) The Office of the Superintendent of Financial
Institutions will remain responsible for safety and soundness, and will
be given new powers to remove directors or officers for misconduct, impose
fines on institutions and individuals that fail to comply with Superintendent
orders. (sections 155 to 173, 451 to 462). The Canadian Deposit Insurance
Corporation (CDIC) will continue to collect premiums for deposit insurance
and to promote safety and soundness (sections 195-208).
(i) Financial Services Ombudsman
Bill C-8 gives the Minister of Finance the power to create a new Canadian
Financial Services Ombudsman (CFSO) structured as a non-profit corporation
that will handle complaints from consumers about banks only. The Bill gives
the Minister the power to appoint the majority of the CFSO's directors,
who will each be independent of the government and the banks (section 115).
The Bill also requires other federally regulated financial institutions
to be members of a third-party complaint resolution system, and they can
join the CFSO if they want (sections 408, 524). According to the government's
public commitments, the CFSO will be structured and will operate as follows:
Board of Directors of the CFSO will have eight independent directors and
four directors appointed by financial institutions, all serving three-year
terms; the Board will appoint Ombudsman and approve the annual budget;
the Minister of Finance will approve the incorporation of the CFSO, and
appoint the first eight independent directors; subsequent appointments
of independent directors will be made by Minister of Finance and sitting
independent directors; CFSO rulings will not be binding, but CFSO will
be allowed to publicize the name of the financial institution if it does
not comply with CFSO ruling.
(j) Canadian Payments Association
Bill C-8 proposes that the Canadian Payments Association (CPA - which
operates the cheque clearing system) be expanded, its mandate changed to
require it to advance the public interest, its board expanded to include
non-bank and independent directors, and the existing Stakeholder Advisory
Council set out in law. Minister of Finance will have power to review and
approve/reject all CPA rule changes, and to regulate other payments systems
(sections 214 to 239).
Changes Needed to Close Gaps in Bill C-8
Consumer-run Financial Consumer Organization (FCO) needed -
As set out in the CCRC's fourth position paper, recommended by the Task
Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector, the Senate
Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce, and the House of Commons Standing
Committee on Finance, and supported by a majority of Canadians according
to a national poll, the government should facilitate the establishment
of a consumer-funded and directed Financial Consumer Organization by requiring
financial institutions to enclose periodically a one-page FCO membership
flyer in the institutions' mailings to their customers (at no cost to the
government or the financial institutions. An FCO is a necessary complement
to the proposed government-run Financial Consumer Agency and the Canadian
Financial Services Ombudsman (CFSO) because it will ensure that the consumers
have a place to call that is broad-based, well-resourced, independent of
governments and the industry, and dedicated to serving consumers. The FCO
will also ensure that consumer representatives on the board of the CFSO
and the Canadian Payments Association's Stakeholder Advisory Council actually
represent consumer concerns.
Fines should be increased - The maximum fine of $100,000 for violations of consumer protection measures is not high enough to ensure that financial institutions comply with the measures, given that enforcement will not be 100% effective, and that the annual revenue of many institutions is more than $10 billion.
Ombudsman should be for all financial institutions, and rulings should
be binding - As set out in the CCRCÕs first position paper,
the Canadian Financial Services Ombudsman should apply not just to banks
but also to all federal financial institutions, and the Ombudsman should
have the power to make binding rulings, rather than relying solely on publicity
as a means of ensuring compliance. Also, the process of appointing the
Board members and the Ombudsman must be clarified (ie. will the Ombudsman
be appointed by majority vote of the Board?)
III. Mergers, Takeovers and Other Ownership and Control Issues
(a) Share ownership levels for large banks
Bill C-8 proposes allowing an investor to hold up to 20% of any type
of voting shares and up to 30% of any type of non-voting shares of a bank
with more than $5 billion in equity, subject to a review testing the investorÕs
past record as a business person, the soundness of their business, and
the reasons they want to get into the banking business, to determine if
they have the necessary integrity and fitness of character for the business
(sections 36-42, 65). The Bill also contains new measures to ensure that
one shareholder, or shareholders acting together, do not directly or indirectly
control any bank. (section 93)
(b) Holding companies
Bill C-8 proposes allowing widely held financial institutions to incorporate
a regulated holding company whose only permitted operations will be to
own or control as subsidiaries federal financial institutions, other financial-sector
related companies, and a few non-related companies. Holding company structures
will allow financial institutions to enter into partnerships and raise
capital without merging or taking over institutions. Banks, and insurance,
trust and investment companies will be fully regulated subsidiaries, but
other subsidiaries will be subject to less regulation. If a widely held
bank sets up a holding company, the holding company will have to be widely
held, but the holding company will be allowed to own more than 50% of the
bank (although no single shareholder or shareholders acting together will
be allowed to exceed the share ownership limits of 20% and 30% set out
above for the holding company or the bank) (section 93). The Bill also
proposes allowing closely held insurance and trust companies to set up
unregulated holding companies, although demutualized insurance companies
will only be allowed to set up a regulated holding company (section 173).
Changes Needed to Close Gaps in Bill C-8
Maintain 10% rule and limit holding companies - As set out in
the CCRC's sixth position paper, the government should maintain the 10%
share ownership rule for Canada's large, chartered banks. The proposed
increases to the share ownership limits, and the proposed holding company
rule changes, will allow a few shareholders (including foreign shareholders)
effectively to control a large bank (mainly through selection of directors
and executives). In addition, the holding company structure will allow
banks to rearrange their corporate structures effectively to avoid consumer
protection and accountability laws and regulations. ***************************************
(c) Share ownership levels for medium-sized and small banks
Bill C-8 proposes allowing a few shareholders or even one shareholder
to own more than 50% of the stock of a bank with equity (value of all shares)
of $1 billion to $5 billion, although 35% of the voting shares must be
held by shareholders unrelated to the majority shareholder(s). The Bill
also proposes allowing a few shareholders or even one shareholder to own
100% of a bank with equity of less than $1 billion. If a bank grows and
crosses a threshold in size of its equity, it will have three years to
make the transition to the different ownership rule (section 93). Government
also proposes changing ownership rules for insurance and trust companies.
Government also proposes that the minimum capital required for starting
a new bank, trust or insurance company be lowered from $10 million to $5
million, and that any applicants be reviewed to ensure that the plan to
start the new financial institution is sound and in the public interest,
and the individuals and companies involved are of good character and integrity
(section 81).
(d) Foreign banks
The government has passed legislation allowing foreign banks to set
up two type of branches directly in Canada: a full-service branch that
may only take deposits of more than $150,000; or a lending branch that
is not allowed to take deposits. Since lending branches do not take deposits,
they are not as fully regulated. Foreign banks can still set up a Canadian
subsidiary rather than opening branches directly. Bill C-8 allows foreign
banks to engage in permitted investments and business powers in similar
ways to the provisions in Bill C-8 concerning domestic banks.
Changes Needed to Close Gaps in Bill C-8
Do not allow foreign banks increased rights and powers - As
set out in the CCRC's sixth position paper, Canada should not increase
the rights or powers of foreign banks or other foreign financial institutions
through either World Trade Organization agreements or domestic legislation.
Apply all laws and regulations to small and foreign financial institutions
- As set out in all of the CCRC's position papers, the government should
ensure that all community reinvestment, accountability and consumer protection
laws and regulations apply to all federally-regulated financial institutions
in Canada, including foreign financial institutions, branches, subsidiaries
or virtual entities operating in any way by offering services in Canada.
(e) Credit unions
Bill C-8 gives the Minister of Finance the power to allow credit unions
to eliminate provincial networks and have one national network. Government
also proposes facilitating credit unions that are trying to form a national
co-op bank.
(f) Bank mergers
The government has publicly committed, by releasing Merger Review Guidelines,
to a Merger Review Process for proposed mergers between banks (and, if
any are created, bank holding companies) with equity (shares) more than
$5 billion. The Process will assess proposed mergers and approve them only
if the merger does not unduly concentrate economic power, does not significantly
reduce competition, and does not reduce the flexibility of the government
to address prudential concerns. Banks that propose to merge will have to
prepare a Public Interest Impact Assessment (PIIA) that sets out the costs
and benefits of the merger on lending to consumers and small businesses,
on branch locations and overall service, on international competitiveness,
on employment, and on technology. The House of Commons Standing Committee
on Finance will review the PIIA and will hold public hearings on any merger
proposal. The Competition Bureau and the Office of the Superintendent of
Financial Institutions will continue to review proposed mergers for impacts
on market competition and safety and soundness. The Minister of Finance
will continue to have the power to approve or reject a merger proposal.
The Minister will also have new powers to enforce any undertaking made
by the banks as a condition of the merger, and to penalize violations of
undertakings (sections 80, 82, 93).
Changes Needed to Close Gaps in Bill C-8
Enact moratorium on expansions of banks - As set out in the
CCRC's fifth, sixth and ninth position papers, the government should enact
a moratorium on all expansions of banks and bank powers until the community
reinvestment, accountability, consumer protection and foreign bank-branching
measures recommended by CCRC have been in place for two years. This time
period is needed to determine whether foreign or domestic banks will provide
significant competition to CanadaÕs big banks, and whether our big
banks serve all Canadians fairly and well. Broaden application and scope
of Merger Review Process, and enact it in law - The Merger Review Process
should be enacted in law, and expanded to become a Financial Institution
Expansion Review Process and, in addition to the proposed Review Process
criteria set out in the Merger Review Guidelines, the lending, investment
and service record of any institution involved in any proposed expansion
(e.g. all takeovers or mergers with any other financial institution or
other company) should be reviewed and graded and if an institution has
a failing grade in any area, the institution should be required to take
corrective action before the expansion is allowed to take place, as under
the U.S. Community Reinvestment Act.
Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition
P.O.Box 1040, Station B,
Ottawa, Canada K1P 5R1
Tel: (613) 789-5753
Fax: (613) 241-4758
Email: cancrc@web.net
Copyright 2001CCRC