Thursday, March 12, 1998

OTTAWA -- Canadians who are upset about the proposed megabank merger or poor bank service have a powerful tool for fighting back. With a click of the mouse, they can tell the government what they think of the merger, share their own banking "horror stories" or learn how to ensure the banks serve all Canadians fairly and well.

It's all available on the newly-updated website of the Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition, made up of 73 groups representing over three million Canadians. The CCRC's site ( offers a wealth of information on critical issues like bank profits and the proposed bank merger. It also shows people how to take action by writing to their MP to support bank accountability requirements.

The site, which presents information in English and French, includes the CCRC's detailed position papers on what's wrong with our banking system -- and how we can improve it. The papers cover:

The new website marks a new stage in the national debate about our banks -- and for the CCRC, which has tripled in size in little more than a year. "The overwhelming response we've had from people across Canada confirms that Canadians are fed up with poor bank service," says CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher. "They want the federal government to ensure that banks serve their needs. Our website shows people how to get involved and explains our proposals for increasing bank accountability in Canada."

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Ottawa, Canada K1P 5R1

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Copyright 1998 CCRC