
Summary of CCRC Recommendations 
and Position Papers

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Summary of CCRC Recommendations

Set out below is a brief summary of the CCRC's recommended changes to financial institution legislation in Canada, as detailed in the Position Papers produced by the CCRC since September 1997.  For more details about any of the recommendations, please view the CCRC Position Papers in full (or the summaries of many of the Position Papers) listed further below on this page.

In addition, go to the updated summary of the CCRC's Priority Changes Needed to Federal Financial Institution Laws -- Closing Key Gaps in Accountability and Consumer Protection (February 2007):

CCRC Position Papers

  1. Banking Ombudsmen: Why They Must Be Independent (September 1997) [Document][Summary]
  2. Access to Basic Banking Service: Ensuring a Right to This Essential Service (October 1997) [Document][Summary]
  3. Disclosure by Banks of Business Lending Statistics: How to Correct the Flaws in the Current System (November 1997) [Document][Summary]
  4. A Financial Consumer Organization for Canada: Balancing the Financial Services Marketplace (December 1997) [Document][Summary]
  5. An Accountability System for Financial Institutions in Canada: How to Ensure They Meet a High Standard of Performance (December 1997) [Document][Summary]
  6. Ending Power Without Accountability: Making Banks in Canada Better Before They Get Bigger (May 1998) [Document][Summary]
  7. Bank Rhetoric or Customer Reality? Key Questions About the Competition Bureau's Analysis of the Proposed Bank Mergers (November 1998) [Document]
  8. Access Denied: The Failure of Voluntary Measures to Improve Banking Services (1999 National Survey Report) (June 1999) [Document]
  9. More Money Down: The Case for a Community Reinvestment Act to Ensure Financial Institutions Help Solve Canada's Affordable Housing Crisis (November 1999) [Document]
  10. An Unjustifiable Takeover: A Performance Evaluation of Toronto-Dominion Bank and Canada Trust Based on the U.S. Community Reinvestment Act Process (March 2000) [Document]
  11. CCRC Recommendations vs. 1998 Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector Recommendations (September 1998)
  12. Comparison of CCRC Recommendations and Bill C-8 (February 2001) (NOTE: Bill C-8 became federal law in Canada in June 2001, although all of its related regulations were not in effect until October 2003)
  13. Priority Changes Needed to Federal Financial Institution Laws -- Closing Key Gaps in Accountability and Consumer Protection (February 2007)

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Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition
P.O. Box 1040, Station B, Ottawa, Canada K1P 5R1
Tel: (613) 789-5753
Fax: (613) 241-4758
Email: cancrc@web.net

Copyright 2007 Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition