
Key Information About Credit Cards

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(NOTE: The link takes you to Canadahelps.org's donation page for the Democracy Education Network (DEN),
a member group of the CCRC whose "Corporate Responsibility Fund" supports the CCRC's activities)

Set out below are links to webpages that will provide you with key information about credit cards in Canada:

Set out below are CCRC news releases and media articles about the CCRC's push for effective measures to ensure credit card companies are serving everyone fairly and well with fair interest rates and fees:

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Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition
P.O. Box 1040, Station B, Ottawa, Canada K1P 5R1
Tel: (613) 789-5753
Fax: (613) 241-4758
Email: cancrc@web.net

Copyright 2005-2009 Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition