
CCRC Media Coverage

(December 1996 - February 2011)

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a member group of the CCRC whose "Corporate Responsibility Fund" supports the CCRC's activities)

The following summary lists the date of the coverage, the media outlet and the subject of the media coverage in which the CCRC was mentioned or interviewed since the CCRC was launched in December 1996 (in reverse chronological order from 2010 back to 1996):


TV PIECE: Some of Canada's big banks gouge seniors by failing to tell them about fee-free accounts (CBC TV's Marketplace show, April 6, 2012 -- NOTE: Piece starts at 21 minute mark and runs for 5 minutes)

March 13 - Global TV National News re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: As banking fees increase yet again, federal government action needed to ensure record big bank profits not based on gouging and ignoring job-creating businesses -- Bill S-5 too weak -- Comprehensive audits, and new Financial Consumer Organization needed for effective bank and financial services industry accountability, and for financial literacy -- To see Global TV piece, click here

March 12 - CJAD (Talk Radio Montreal - late afternoon show) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: As banking fees increase yet again, federal government action needed to ensure record big bank profits not based on gouging and ignoring job-creating businesses -- Bill S-5 too weak -- Comprehensive audits, and new Financial Consumer Organization needed for effective bank and financial services industry accountability, and for financial literacy


October 19 - CTV News Channel (feature interview) re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives did bail out Canada's big banks in 2009 -- now must finally take action to ensure banks and other financial institutions service, lending, investment and prices are fair and responsible (Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition, October 18, 2011)

October 19 - News 88.9 Saint John, News 91.9 Moncton (early morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives did bail out Canada's big banks in 2009 -- now must finally take action to ensure banks and other financial institutions service, lending, investment and prices are fair and responsible (Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition, October 18, 2011)

October 15 - CTV News Channel (feature interview) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade -- See TV INTERVIEW: Founding Director Duff Conacher interviewed about Occupy Canada protests across Canada and key corporate responsibility and bank accountability measures

October 15 - CJAD (Montreal - noon show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade

October 15 - SunMedia TV (morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade

October 15 - Halifax Chronicle-Herald re: OP-ED: People are asking for protection from corporate greed and wrongdoing – will Canada’s politicians finally give it?

October 15 - Canoe.ca and 3 SunMedia newspapers re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade (October 12, 2011) -- To see Sunmedia article, click here

October 14 - Guelph Mercury and the Kitchener Waterloo Record and TheMarkNews.com re: OP-ED: People are asking for protection from corporate greed and wrongdoing – will Canada’s politicians finally give it?

October 14 - UPI.com, Daije.com, PostChronicle.com and istockAnalyst.com re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade (October 12, 2011) -- To see UPI wire article, click here

October 14 - Brandon Sun re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade (October 12, 2011) -- To see Brandon Sun column, click here

October 13 - HuffingtonPost.ca, TheEpochTimes.com, and rabble.ca re: OP-ED: People are asking for protection from corporate greed and wrongdoing – will Canada’s politicians finally give it?

October 13 - CBC.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade (October 12, 2011) -- To see CBC.ca article, click here

October 13 - Moncton Times & Transcript re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade (October 12, 2011) -- To see the Times & Transcript article, click here

October 13 - AxisOfLogic.com re: Democracy Watch suggests Occupy Canada protesters should support key measures endorsed by two nation-wide coalitions of 140 citizen groups (reprint of CBC.ca article)

October 12 - IPolitics.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade -- To see the IPolitics article, click here

October 12 - FinancialPost.com (Theresa Tedesco column) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade -- To see the column, click here

October 12 - TheTyee.ca re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade -- To see TheTyee.ca article, click here

October 12 - FinancialPost.com (Barbara Schecter column) re: NEWS RELEASE: Occupy Canada protesters should support 15 key bank and corporate responsibility changes endorsed by 140 citizen groups across Canada for the past decade -- To see blog posting, click here

February 9-10 - Toronto Star re: Creating national Financial Consumer Organization is key to increasing financial literacy in Canada -- see NEWS RELEASE: Federal Financial Literacy Task Force Makes 30 Good Recommendations, But Ignores Lowest-Cost, Most Effective Solution -- New Financial Consumer Group Would Do Most To Increase Financial Literacy

February 9 - CBC.ca re: Creating national Financial Consumer Organization is key to increasing financial literacy in Canada -- see NEWS RELEASE: Federal Financial Literacy Task Force Makes 30 Good Recommendations, But Ignores Lowest-Cost, Most Effective Solution -- New Financial Consumer Group Would Do Most To Increase Financial Literacy

January 17 - Hill Times re: LETTER-TO-THE-EDITOR: Canada has a government Financial Consumer Agency, but it is too weak, and financial consumer group needed


December 9 - News 88.9 Saint John, Moncton, Halifax ("The Afternoon News" show with Tom Young) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Government Action Needed to Ensure Big Bank Profits Not Based on Gouging -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability (December 8, 2010)

December 8 - CBC.ca re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Government Action Needed to Ensure Big Bank Profits Not Based on Gouging -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability (December 8, 2010) -- To see CBC.ca article, click here

December 1 - Telegraph Journal (and NB Business Report) re: CCRC calls on New Brunswick government to enact measures to encourage bank lending to business in province

November 30 - NBTVToday.com (live-streaming) re: CCRC calls on New Brunswick government to enact measures to encourage bank lending to business in province

November 4 - News 88.9 Saint John, Moncton, Halifax ("The Afternoon News" show with Tom Young) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE (NOTE: the link takes you to CCRC webpage, and the CCRC is coordinated by Democracy Watch) : Financial Literacy Task Force Must Recommend New National Financial Consumer Group: Lowest-cost, most effective way to educate and empower financial consumers

September 24 - Globe and Mail re: Canadian Banking Ombudsman (created because of pressure from CCRC) to investigate pattern of mentally disabled bank customers being ripped off

May 27 - NOW Magazine (Toronto) re: Governments must require banks they do business with to serve everyone fairly and well


December 24 - Toronto Star re: Federal Task Force on Financial Literacy must recommend creation of financial industry citzen watchdog group, and bank regulation, to be effective

December 9 - CBC.ca re: Democracy Watch and the CCRC call for an audit of excessive bank profits

December 9 - CIUT Toronto ("Take Five" morning show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Big Banks Profit From Subsidies and Government Inaction on Gouging and Financial Consumer Empowerment -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability (December 8, 2009) -- To hear the interview, click here (NOTE: The piece starts starts at the 5:25 min. mark of the show, and ends at the 16:45 min. mark of the show)

November 25 - CJAD Talk Radio (Montreal - Tommy Schnurmacher morning show) re: Interac, VISA and Mastercard all want changes to compete in debit and creadit card markets, but government needs to do audits to protect consumers against gouging by all three companies - See related CCRC NEWS RELEASE

October 15 - Straight.com (publishing op-ed by Democracy Watch Coordinator and Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: It's our money, and so we should have a say in how banks and other financial institutions use our money

September 8 - Financial Post (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator and CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: Canada's big banks record high third-quarter profits yet again, as federal Conservatives use billions of Canadians' money to bail out the banks, and allow them to continue to gouge Canadians with excessive interest rates and fees

September 1 - Vancouver Sun (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator and CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: Canada's big banks record high third-quarter profits yet again, as federal Conservatives use billions of Canadians' money to bail out the banks, and allow them to continue to gouge Canadians with excessive interest rates and fees

August 31 - Toronto Star (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator and CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: Canada's big banks record high third-quarter profits yet again, as federal Conservatives use billions of Canadians' money to bail out the banks, and allow them to continue to gouge Canadians with excessive interest rates and fees

August 27 - CBC TV's "The National" re: Canada's big banks record high third-quarter profits yet again, as federal Conservatives use billions of Canadians' money to bail out the banks, and allow them to continue to gouge Canadians with excessive interest rates and fees

June 23 - Canada.com (and 8 CanWest News Service newspapers, all publishing CanWest News article) re: Federal government must set up financial consumer watchdog group to give consumers a place to call for financial advice and help

June 2 - Duff Conacher on the need for an independent audit of bank profits and other key bank accountability measures testifying before the Joint House of Commons Finance/Industry committees

May 28 - VUE Weekly (Edmonton, Alberta weekly newspaper) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Conservatives' Proposed Credit Card Regulations Too Little, Too Late to Protect Finance Consumers From Being Gouged -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability -- To see the VUE Weekly article, click here

May 25 - CKNW Talk Radio (Vancouver - Christy Clark afternoon show) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Conservatives' Proposed Credit Card Regulations Too Little, Too Late to Protect Finance Consumers From Being Gouged -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability

May 25 - CJAD Talk Radio (Montreal -- The Tommy Schnurmacher morning show) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Conservatives' Proposed Credit Card Regulations Too Little, Too Late to Protect Finance Consumers From Being Gouged -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability

May 25 - CKRM Talk Radio (Saskatchewan - Roger Currie morning show) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Conservatives' Proposed Credit Card Regulations Too Little, Too Late to Protect Finance Consumers From Being Gouged -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability

May 25 - StraightGoods.ca re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Conservatives' Proposed Credit Card Regulations Too Little, Too Late to Protect Finance Consumers From Being Gouged -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability -- To see the StraightGoods.ca article, click here

May 24 - CBC TV's News Sunday show re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Conservatives' Proposed Credit Card Regulations Too Little, Too Late to Protect Finance Consumers From Being Gouged -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability

May 22 - National Post (Jonathan Chevreau's column) re: Federal Conservatives' proposed credit card regulations too little, too late to protect financial consumers from gouging

May 22 - CBC.ca re: Federal Conservatives' proposed credit card regulations too little, too late to protect financial consumers from gouging - also published on AOL Canada, click here

May 22 - Toronto Star re: Federal Conservatives proposed credit card regulations too little, too late to protect financial consumers from gouging and NEWS RELEASE: Conservatives' Proposed Credit Card Regulations Too Little, Too Late to Protect Finance Consumers From Being Gouged -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability

May 22 - AllHeadlineNews.com re: Federal Conservatives proposed credit card regulations too little, too late to protect financial consumers from gouging and GantDaily.com (publishing AHN article), click here and re: NEWS RELEASE: Conservatives' Proposed Credit Card Regulations Too Little, Too Late to Protect Finance Consumers From Being Gouged -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability

May 22 - Halifax Chronicle Herald (publishing Canadian Press wire article) re: Federal Conservatives proposed credit card regulations too little, too late to protect financial consumers from gouging and NEWS RELEASE: Conservatives' Proposed Credit Card Regulations Too Little, Too Late to Protect Finance Consumers From Being Gouged -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability

May 21 - Vancouver Sun (column) re: Federal Conservatives proposed credit card regulations too little, too late to protect financial consumers from gouging and NEWS RELEASE: Conservatives' Proposed Credit Card Regulations Too Little, Too Late to Protect Finance Consumers From Being Gouged -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability

May 21 - CanadianPress.com re: Federal Conservatives proposed credit card regulations too little, too late to protect financial consumers from gouging and NEWS RELEASE: Conservatives' Proposed Credit Card Regulations Too Little, Too Late to Protect Finance Consumers From Being Gouged -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability

May 16 - Toronto Star re: Question remains whether federal Conservatives will take action to protect Canadians from credit-card gouging by the big banks and other companies

April 2-3 - Canada.com and 12 other CanWest News Service newspapers across Canada re: Coalition calls on Senate Banking Committee to recommend government audit of credit card companies' profit margins

April 1-2 - Canada.com, National Post and 2 other CanWest News Service newspapers re: Coalition calls for government audit of banks credit card and overall lending practices

April 2 - Duff Conacher on the need for an independent audit of bank profits and other key bank accountability measures testifying before the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce

March 31 - CBC Radio's "As It Happens" show re: interview with Democracy Watch Coordinator and Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) Chairperson Duff Conacher re: NEWS RELEASE: Coalition Calls on Federal Government to Get Tough on Unfair Bank Gouging and Cutting of Lending and Services -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability (March 4, 2009)

March 27 - CBC Radio's "As It Happens" show re: letter read from Democracy Watch Coordinator and Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) Chairperson Duff Conacher re: NEWS RELEASE: Coalition Calls on Federal Government to Get Tough on Unfair Bank Gouging and Cutting of Lending and Services -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability (March 4, 2009)

March 19 - The Metropolitain (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator and CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: NEWS RELEASE: Coalition Calls on Federal Government to Get Tough on Unfair Bank Gouging and Cutting of Lending and Services -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability (March 4, 2009)

March 6 - CTV News (Montreal) re: NEWS RELEASE: Coalition Calls on Federal Government to Get Tough on Unfair Bank Gouging and Cutting of Lending and Services -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability (March 4, 2009)

March 6 - CJAD Talk Radio (Montreal -- The Tommy Schurmacher show) re: NEWS RELEASE: Coalition Calls on Federal Government to Get Tough on Unfair Bank Gouging and Cutting of Lending and Services -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability (March 4, 2009)

March 5 - Toronto Star (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator and CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: NEWS RELEASE: Coalition Calls on Federal Government to Get Tough on Unfair Bank Gouging and Cutting of Lending and Services -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability (March 4, 2009)

March 4 - Ottawa Citizen (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator and CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: NEWS RELEASE: Coalition Calls on Federal Government to Get Tough on Unfair Bank Gouging and Cutting of Lending and Services -- Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups, Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability (March 4, 2009)

February 25 - CBC Radio "The World at Six" re: TD Bank's quarterly profit statement raises questions about gouging -- see NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives Continue Negligence of Federal Governments Over Past 20 Years By Giving Financial Institutions Billions But Doing Nothing to Stop Their Unfair Gouging and Cutting of Loans and Services --  Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability (January 30, 2009)

February 20 - CBC radio stations in Windsor and Thunder Bay (Ontario) and St. John's (Newfoundland and Labrador) re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives Continue Negligence of Federal Governments Over Past 20 Years By Giving Financial Institutions Billions But Doing Nothing to Stop Their Unfair Gouging and Cutting of Loans and Services --  Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability (January 30, 2009)

February 4 - Toronto Star and Hamilton Spectator re: Credit card defaults likely to increase, companies increasing interest rates but government still not requiring them to prove it is necessary

February 1 - QR77 Alberta Talk Radio (weekend morning show with Peter Watts) re: Canadian Press wire article re: Pressure grows on federal government to do something effective to protect Canadians from gouging on credit cards and other banking fees  and re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives Continue Negligence of Federal Governments Over Past 20 Years By Giving Financial Institutions Billions But Doing Nothing to Stop Their Unfair Gouging and Cutting of Loans and Services --  Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability (January 30, 2009)

January 30-31 - CTV.ca and 34 other media outlets across Canada (all publishing Canadian Press wire article) re: Pressure grows on federal government to do something effective to protect Canadians from gouging on credit cards and other banking fees

January 30 - CBC TV News (local news at 6 pm across Canada) re: Canadian Press wire article re: Pressure grows on federal government to do something effective to protect Canadians from gouging on credit cards and other banking fees  and re: NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservatives Continue Negligence of Federal Governments Over Past 20 Years By Giving Financial Institutions Billions But Doing Nothing to Stop Their Unfair Gouging and Cutting of Loans and Services --  Comprehensive Audits, and New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups Needed For Effective Bank and Financial Services Industry Accountability (January 30, 2009)

January 26 - Canada.com and National Post re: Canada's big banks lobbying against possible audits to determine extent credit card customers are gouged

January 15 - The Metropolitain re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE re: Scrooge Banks Will Gouge Canadians and Cut Services to Recover Their $16 Billion in Losses and Writedowns Unless Federal Government Finally Audits Charges, Interest Rates, Lending Records and Competition Levels -- New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups Needed to Watch Banks and Investment Industry (December 16, 2008)

January 7 - CBC TV's The National (feature story) re: Federal government has been negligent in not regulating credit card promotions and interest rates by banks and other companies

January 5 - CBC.ca and 28 other media outlets across Canada (all publishing Canadian Press wire article) re: Federal Conservative Finance Minister must require banks to disclose loan applications, approvals and rejections to have effective bank accountability

January 5 - National Post (Financial Post section) re: Federal Conservative Finance Minister Jim Flaherty must require banks to disclose loan applications, approvals and rejections to have effective bank accountability
Also published by:
- Vancouver Sun, click here
- Calgary Herald, click here


December 20 - Toronto Star re: Federal Conservatives and Liberals have failed in past 20 years to enact effective bank lending accountability measures

December 20 - Hamilton Spectator re: Federal Conservatives and Liberals have failed in past 20 years to enact effective bank lending accountability measures

December 17 - Straightgoods.ca re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE re: Scrooge Banks Will Gouge Canadians and Cut Services to Recover Their $16 Billion in Losses and Writedowns Unless Federal Government Finally Audits Charges, Interest Rates, Lending Records and Competition Levels -- New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups Needed to Watch Banks and Investment Industry (December 16, 2008) -- To see Straightgoods.ca article, click here

December 15 - Global TV (First National news show) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE re: Scrooge Banks Will Gouge Canadians and Cut Services to Recover Their $16 Billion in Losses and Writedowns Unless Federal Government Finally Audits Charges, Interest Rates, Lending Records and Competition Levels -- New Financial Consumer Watchdog Groups Needed to Watch Banks and Investment Industry (December 16, 2008)

October 10 - Toronto Star re: Canada's big banks fail to cut their prime lending rate to match cut by Bank of Canada

July 16 - St. Catharines Standard (publishing letter-to-the-editor by CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: Federal Conservatives and federal Liberals do nothing effective to prevent gouging of Canadians by big businesses over past 20 years

July 15 - Saskatoon StarPhoenix (publishing letter-to-the-editor by CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: Federal Conservatives and federal Liberals do nothing effective to prevent gouging of Canadians by big businesses over past 20 years

July 11 - National Post (publishing letter-to-the-editor by CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: Federal Conservatives and federal Liberals do nothing effective to prevent gouging of Canadians by big businesses over past 20 years

June 27 - Toronto Star re: Federal Conservatives' hand-picked task force ignores reality of lack of competition in banking and gouging by banks, recommends allowing big banks to merge into even bigger banks

January 23 - The Suburban (Quebec's largest English weekly newspaper) re: Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC - which is coordinated by Democracy Watch) NEWS RELEASE: Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty Must, At The Very Least, Require Banks To Prove Their Credit Card Interest Rates and Service Charges are Fair -- Mergers Not in Public Interest -- Competition, Service Study Needed If Merger Ban Reconsidered -- To see the Suburban article, click here

January 21 - QR77 Talk Radio (Alberta - Calgary Today show with Mike Blanchard) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty Must, At The Very Least, Require Banks To Prove Their Credit Card Interest Rates and Service Charges are Fair -- Mergers Not in Public Interest -- Competition, Service Study Needed If Merger Ban Reconsidered


December 11 - London Free Press (publishing Linda Leatherdale's "Money" column) re: CCRC's December 6, 2007 news release re: If Conservative Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty Doesn’t Act Now, Big Banks Will Recoup Their $2 Billion in Losses By Increasing Gouging, Cutting Loans to Creditworthy Businesses, and Continuing Excessively Risky Investing -- To see the column, click here
Also published by:
Toronto Sun, click here
Ottawa Sun, click here
Edmonton Sun, click here
Calgary Sun, click here
Winnipeg Sun, click here

December 7 - The New 940 (Montreal talk radio) re: If Conservative Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty Doesn’t Act Now, Big Banks Will Recoup Their $2 Billion in Losses By Increasing Gouging, Cutting Loans to Creditworthy Businesses, and Continuing Excessively Risky Investing

December 6 - QR77 Talk Radio (Alberta - "The World Tonight" show) re: If Conservative Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty Doesn’t Act Now, Big Banks Will Recoup Their $2 Billion in Losses By Increasing Gouging, Cutting Loans to Creditworthy Businesses, and Continuing Excessively Risky Investing

October 8 issue - Canadian Business magazine re: Government and Committee Should Not Buy Banks' Claims About Fees And Services -- Audit Needed As U.S. Has Done For More Than 20 Years To Ensure All Canadians Served Well At Fair Prices

September 5 - CTV's "Canada AM" (NOTE: video of interview on webpage link takes you to) re: Banks pay credit card companies 1% to calculate currency exchange rate on out-of-country purchases, and then overcharge their customers 2.5%

September 4 - CBC Newsworld's "Newsmorning" (NOTE: video of news piece on webpage link takes you to) re: Banks pay credit card companies 1% to calculate currency exchange rate on out-of-country purchases, and then overcharge their customers 2.5%

September 3 - CBC TV's "The National" (NOTE: video of news piece on webpage link takes you to) re: Banks pay credit card companies 1% to calculate currency exchange rate on out-of-country purchases, and then overcharge their customers 2.5%

August 22 - Winnipeg Free Press re: Banks' credit card operations charge a special extra fee to calculate the exchange rate on purchases made in other countries, a fee that is likely pure gouging

August 13 - Toronto Star re: Canada's big banks battle for new customers in Greater Toronto area, but many hidden costs can hurt switchers

Summer 2007 - Capital Style Magazine re: Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) news release re: Government and Committee Should Not Buy Banks' Claims About Fees And Services -- Audit Needed As U.S. Has Done For More Than 20 Years To Ensure All Canadians Served Well At Fair Prices

May 1 - Toronto Sun (Linda Leatherdale's "Money" column) re: Ontari o government follows federal government in failing to protect people with low incomes from predatory lenders

April 20 - QR77 Talk Radio (Alberta - "The World Tonight" show with Rob Breakenridge) re: Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) news release re: Government and Committee Should Not Buy Banks' Claims About Fees And Services -- Audit Needed As U.S. Has Done For More Than 20 Years To Ensure All Canadians Served Well At Fair Prices

April 20 - CBC Radio (Maritime Noon phone-in show) re: Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) news release re: Government and Committee Should Not Buy Banks' Claims About Fees And Services -- Audit Needed As U.S. Has Done For More Than 20 Years To Ensure All Canadians Served Well At Fair Prices

April 19 - Toronto Sun (Linda Leatherdale's "Money" column) re: Federal Conservatives heading toward letting Canada's 6 big banks continue to gouge 20 million bank customers with excessive self-service fees

April 18 - Canoe.ca website and Ottawa Sun re: CCRC news release: Government and Committee Should Not Buy Banks' Claims About Fees And Services -- Audit Needed As U.S. Has Done For More Than 20 Years To Ensure All Canadians Served Well At Fair Prices

March 23 - QR77 Talk Radio (Alberta) re: CCRC news release: Coalition Calls On Senate Committee To Strengthen Bill C-37 To Require Banks To Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based On Fair Prices, Service, And Responsible Lending, And To Require Disclosure of Violators of Financial Laws

March 21 - Toronto Star re: Independent audit of all banking fees only solution to gouging

March 17 - Toronto Star (Ellen Roseman's column) re: Bank machine banking is convenient, but is the price fair?

March 14 - Toronto Star (printing letters to the editor about article by CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: Price of lack of bank accountability is too high, as the U.S. recognized 30 years ago

March 12 - Toronto Star (printing article by CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: Price of lack of bank accountability is too high, as the U.S. recognized 30 years ago

March 12 - Hill Times (printing article by CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: Price of lack of bank accountability is too high, as the U.S. recognized 30 years ago

March 11 - Ottawa Citizen (printing article by CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher re: Price of lack of bank accountability is too high, as the U.S. recognized 30 years ago

March 8 - Here magazine (Saint John, New Brunswick) re: the Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch): Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

March 7 - Global TV's "First National at 5:30" news show re: the Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch): Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

March 7 - News 88.9 Saint John, Moncton, Halifax ("The Afternoon News" show) re: Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch)): Federal Conservative Finance Minister Talks the Talk on Bank Service Charges, But Will He Actually Use Bill C-37 to Require Banks to Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and to Prohibit Bank Mergers That Are Not in the Public Interest?

March 6 - Toronto Sun (Linda Leatherdale's "Money" column) re: the Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch): Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees -- To see the article, click here

March 6 - QR77 Talk Radio (Alberta - early morning show) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?

March 5 - Halifax Chronicle-Herald (Joey Fitzpatrick's column) re: the Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch): Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees -- To see the article, click here

March 5 - CBC.ca website (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conserv ative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - CTV.ca website (based on Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - Canada.com website (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?

March 5 - CTV National News re: the Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch): Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

March 5 - CTV affiliates local 6 pm newscasts across Canada (5 different locations) re: the Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch): Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

March 5 - CBC TV's "News Today" show re: the Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch): Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

March 5 - CTV Newsnet hourly feature interview during the day from 11 am (EST) on re: the Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch): Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

March 5 - A-Channel News (Ottawa) re: the Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch): Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

March 5 - CBC Radio News (Ottawa) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?

March 5 - WAVE Radio (Hamilton, Ontario) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?

March 5 - CBC TV News hourly during the morning re: the Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch): Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

March 5 - CBC TV's "News Morning" show re: the Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch): Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

March 5 - Toronto Star (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - 1130 News website (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - 680 News (Toronto) website (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - 570 News (Kitchener, Ontario) website (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - CITY-TV News website (Toronto) website (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - Vancouver Sun website (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - Winnipeg Free Press (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - CBC.ca North website (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re:  Conservative Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - Hamilton Spectator website re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - Globe and Mail (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - Montreal Gazette (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) website re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - Le Droit (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - Le journal de Montreal (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - Ottawa Citizen website (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets bankers behind closed doors to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - Saskatoon Star Phoenix (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - Edmonton Journal (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - Brandon Sun (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - Canoe.ca website (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conservative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?
March 5 - Vive Le Canada website (publishing Canadian Press (CP) wire article) re: Conserv ative federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty meets behind closed doors with bankers to talk about banking fees -- will Flaherty do more than hold secret talks about bank accountability?

March 3 - Halifax Chronicle-Herald re: the Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch): Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees -- To see the article, click here

March 2 - Globe and Mail (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Democracy Watch Coordinator and Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) Chairperson Duff Conacher re: Banking fees double while finance ministers do nothing to stop the gouging

March 2 - CFOS Talk Radio (Owen Sound, Ontario -- "Online" show) re: Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

February 28 - CBC Radio (Newfoundland - lunch hour show) re: Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

February 27 - CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - "Lunch Bunch" show) re: Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

February 27 - 570 News Talk Radio (Kitchener, Ontario) re: Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

February 27 - CKNW Talk Radio (Vancouver) re: Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

February 27 - CJBK Talk Radio (London, Ontario) re: Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) NEWS RELEASE: Federal Finance Minister's Meeting with Banks Should Be Public, Not Behind Closed Doors, and Banks Should Answer 10 Key Questions About Their Operations, Not Just About Bank Fees

February 12 - Hill Times (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) Chairperson Duff Conacher (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch)) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservative Finance Minister Talks the Talk on Bank Service Charges, But Will He Actually Use Bill C-37 to Require Banks to Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and to Prohibit Bank Mergers That Are Not in the Public Interest?

January 30 - CBC Radio (Windsor, Ontario - morning show) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservative Finance Minister Talks the Talk on Bank Service Charges, But Will He Actually Use Bill C-37 to Require Banks to Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and to Prohibit Bank Mergers That Are Not in the Public Interest?

January 29 - News 88.9 Saint John, Moncton, Halifax ("The Afternoon News" show) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservative Finance Minister Talks the Talk on Bank Service Charges, But Will He Actually Use Bill C-37 to Require Banks to Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and to Prohibit Bank Mergers That Are Not in the Public Interest?

January 29 - CBC Radio News (Windsor, Ontario) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservative Finance Minister Talks the Talk on Bank Service Charges, But Will He Actually Use Bill C-37 to Require Banks to Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and to Prohibit Bank Mergers That Are Not in the Public Interest?

January 29 - CJOB Talk Radio (Winnipeg) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservative Finance Minister Talks the Talk on Bank Service Charges, But Will He Actually Use Bill C-37 to Require Banks to Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and to Prohibit Bank Mergers That Are Not in the Public Interest?

January 29 - CBC Radio News (Windsor, Ontario) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservative Finance Minister Talks the Talk on Bank Service Charges, But Will He Actually Use Bill C-37 to Require Banks to Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and to Prohibit Bank Mergers That Are Not in the Public Interest?

January 29 - National Post (publishing letter-to-the-editor by Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition (CCRC) Chairperson Duff Conacher (NOTE: The CCRC is a coalition coordinated by Democracy Watch)) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservative Finance Minister Talks the Talk on Bank Service Charges, But Will He Actually Use Bill C-37 to Require Banks to Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and to Prohibit Bank Mergers That Are Not in the Public Interest?

January 28 - Toronto Sun (Linda Leatherdale's "Money" column) re: Banks likely gouging customers with many excessive charges -- will federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty just talk the same old talk or will he do something to end the gouging?

January 27 - Ottawa Citizen (Mark Sutcliffe's column) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservative Finance Minister Talks the Talk on Bank Service Charges, But Will He Actually Use Bill C-37 to Require Banks to Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and to Prohibit Bank Mergers That Are Not in the Public Interest?

January 27 - Vancouver Province (publishing letter-to-the-editor by CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservative Finance Minister Talks the Talk on Bank Service Charges, But Will He Actually Use Bill C-37 to Require Banks to Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and to Prohibit Bank Mergers That Are Not in the Public Interest?

January 27 - Saskatoon Star-Phoenix (publishing letter-to-the-editor by CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservative Finance Minister Talks the Talk on Bank Service Charges, But Will He Actually Use Bill C-37 to Require Banks to Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and to Prohibit Bank Mergers That Are Not in the Public Interest?

January 27 - New Brunswick Times and Transcript (publishing letter-to-the-editor by CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservative Finance Minister Talks the Talk on Bank Service Charges, But Will He Actually Use Bill C-37 to Require Banks to Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and to Prohibit Bank Mergers That Are Not in the Public Interest?

January 27 - Ottawa Sun (publishing letter-to-the-editor by CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher) re: CCRC NEWS RELEASE: Federal Conservative Finance Minister Talks the Talk on Bank Service Charges, But Will He Actually Use Bill C-37 to Require Banks to Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and to Prohibit Bank Mergers That Are Not in the Public Interest?

January 26 - CBC TV's "News Morning" show re: Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty must require banks to prove, through an independent audit, that all service charges are fair (CBC TV's The National" -- To see the interview with CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher, click on the link to the video on the right-hand side of the webpage this link takes you to - for more details see the CCRC's December 14, 2006 news release re: Federal Conservatives Fail in Bill C-37 To Require Banks To Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and Responsible Lending and Investing, and Also Fail to Ensure Bank Mergers and Takeovers Are in the Public Interest)

January 26 - Ottawa Citizen re: Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty must require banks to prove, through an independent audit, that all service charges are fair (CBC TV's The National" -- To see the interview with CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher, click on the link to the video on the right-hand side of the webpage this link takes you to)

January 25 - CBC TV's "The National" re: Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty must require banks to prove, through an independent audit, that all service charges are fair (CBC TV's The National" -- To see the interview with CCRC Chairperson Duff Conacher, click on the link to the video on the right-hand side of the webpage this link takes you to - for more details see the CCRC's December 14, 2006 news release re: Federal Conservatives Fail in Bill C-37 To Require Banks To Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and Responsible Lending and Investing, and Also Fail to Ensure Bank Mergers and Takeovers Are in the Public Interest)

January 25 - CFRA Talk Radio (Ottawa - the drive-home show) re: Canada's big banks charge excessive fees for services, fees not charged in the U.S. by some subsidiaries of Canada's banks, and also not charged in England - for details see the CCRC's December 14, 2006 news release re: Federal Conservatives Fail in Bill C-37 To Require Banks To Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and Responsible Lending and Investing, and Also Fail to Ensure Bank Mergers and Takeovers Are in the Public Interest

January 21 - Halifax Chronicle-Herald re:  Small investors at risk, coalition calls on government to help create investor rights association



December 17 - CKNW Talk Radio (Vancouver - "The Sean Leslie show") re: Federal Conservatives Fail in Bill C-37 To Require Banks To Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and Responsible Lending and Investing, and Also Fail to Ensure Bank Mergers and Takeovers Are in the Public Interest

December 14 - New 940 Talk Radio (Montreal - "The Last Angry Man" evening show) re: Federal Conservatives Fail in Bill C-37 To Require Banks To Prove Their Record $19 Billion Profits Are Based on Fair Prices and Service, and Responsible Lending and Investing, and Also Fail to Ensure Bank Mergers and Takeovers Are in the Public Interest

December 11 - CBC.ca website article (publishing Canadian Press wire article) re: Bank mergers in Canada will create mega-banks that provide worse service, reduce choices for borrowers, and are less efficient
December 11 - 680 All News Radio's website (Toronto) (publishing Canadian Press wire article) re: Bank mergers in Canada will create mega-banks that provide worse service, reduce choices for borrowers, and are less efficient
December 11 - New 940 Talk Radio's website (Montreal) (publishing Canadian Press wire article) re: Bank mergers in Canada will create mega-banks that provide worse service, reduce choices for borrowers, and are less efficient
December 11 - News 1130 Talk Radio's website (Vancouver) (publishing Canadian Press wire article) re: Bank mergers in Canada will create mega-banks that provide worse service, reduce choices for borrowers, and are less efficient
December 11 - 570 News Talk Radio's website (Kitchener, Ontario) (publishing Canadian Press wire article) re: Bank mergers in Canada will create mega-banks that provide worse service, reduce choices for borrowers, and are less efficient
December 11 - The Brooks Bulletin website (Brooks, Alberta weekly newspaper) (publishing Canadian Press wire article) re: Bank mergers in Canada will create mega-banks that provide worse service, reduce choices for borrowers, and are less efficient

December 11 - News Talk Radio (Saskatchewan) re: Canada's big banks charge excessive fees for services, fees not charged in the U.S. by some subsidiaries of Canada's banks, and also not charged in England

December 9 - CFRB 1010 Talk Radio (Toronto) re: Canada's big banks charge excessive fees for services, fees not charged in the U.S. by some subsidiaries of Canada's banks, and also not charged in England

December 7 - CBC TV's "The National" re: Canada's big banks charge excessive fees for services, fees not charged in the U.S. by some subsidiaries of Canada's banks, and also not charged in England

December 7 - CBC TV's "Canada Now" (6:30 pm news show) re: Canada's big banks charge excessive fees for services, fees not charged in the U.S. by some subsidiaries of Canada's banks, and also not charged in England

June 2 - National Post re: TD Bank's U.S. subsidiary cuts fees for customers using other bank's machines, but not in Canada

May 29 issue - Maclean's magazine (letter-to-the-editor) re: federal Liberal Party leadership candidate Mauricio Bevilacqua claimed in an interview that there are no federal government guidelines for reviewing proposed bank mergers, when in fact there have been guidelines since 1999

April 25 - CBC Radio news (Edmonton) re: federal Conservatives intend to let predatory lenders off the hook, will leave it to provinces to regulate gouging second-tier financial service companies

March 20 - Vancouver Sun re: federal Financial Consumer Agency of Canada is not effectively enforcing federal financial consumer protection laws -- To see Canwest News Service article, click here

March 19 - Toronto Star re: city, provincial, territorial and federal governments in Canada should not give banks their money and credit card business if the banks do not keep branches open in low-income neighbourhoods

March 18 - Ottawa Citizen re: federal Financial Consumer Agency of Canada is not effectively enforcing federal financial consumer protection laws -- To see Canwest News Service article, click here

March 15 - CBC-TV Edmonton news re: federal government's negligence in regulating banks has allowed banks to close down dozens of bank branches in low-income neighbourhoods across Canada, helping predatory lending/cheque-cashing companies set up in those neighbourhoods and gouge people with low incomes with excessively high fees and interest rates

March 15 - CJAD Talk Radio (Montreal - Tommy Schnurmacher morning show) re: federal government must require banks to prove that their service charges and credit card interest rates are fair and do not amount to gouging

January 11 - Epoch Times re: CCRC calls for Canadian federal government to strengthen bank accountability law in 2006 review to match requirements in the U.S. -- To see Epoch Times article, click here



September 20 - Brandon Sun opinion piece re: Better Banks Needed, Not Bigger Banks
September 19 - Montreal Gazette opinion piece re: Better Banks Needed, Not Bigger Banks
September 18 - Halifax Chronicle-Herald opinion piece re: Better Banks Needed, Not Bigger Banks
September 16 - Ottawa Citizen opinion piece re: Better Banks Needed, Not Bigger Banks

July 20 - CBC Newsworld Business News show re: CIBC pays $125 million penalty to settle with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission who charged CIBC for hedge-fund investment fraud

July 19 - CJAD Talk Radio (Montreal - The Tommy Schnurmacher show) re: bank mergers are not in the public interest, and federal government is not doing enough to track lending, investment and service records of the banks so if a merger is allowed it will never know if lending, investment or service records have improved or worsened

June 24 - CBC Radio Edmonton (morning show) re: predatory loan companies association introduces voluntary code that they claim will clean up abuses in the industry, even though every study of voluntary codes has proven that they are not effective

June 21 - Finance Minister Ralph Goodale Uses Lame Excuses for His Failure to Release Bank Merger Review Process Guidelines (CJAD News Montreal (based on CP wire story, June 21, 2005)

April 5 - CBC Radio (Ottawa - morning show) re: federal government's negligence in not doing enough to require banks to keep branches open and provide adequate access to basic banking services helped the growth of the gouging, criminal cheque-cashing/predatory lending outlet industry

March 31 - CP wire story also published in Ottawa Citizen: Bank Mergers in Canada Will Still Have Dangerous Negative Impacts

March 30 - WEBSITE ARTICLE (CP wire story (on CJAD Talk Radio website): Bank Mergers in Canada Will Still Have Dangerous Negative Impacts

February 27 - WEBSITE ARTICLE: Duff Conacher on CBC TV's Marketplace Calling for Federal Government Review of Bank Credit Card Interest Rates

February 26 - Rogers Cable TV (Ontario - Agenda morning show) re: federal Liberal government does little to prevent banks from gouging Canadians with excessive service charges and credit card interest rates

February 25 - Rogers Cable TV (Ontario - Agenda morning show) re: federal Liberal government does little to prevent banks from gouging Canadians with excessive service charges and credit card interest rates

February 24 - Rogers Cable TV (Ontario - Agenda morning show) re: federal Liberal government does little to prevent banks from gouging Canadians with excessive service charges and credit card interest rates

February 8 - Omni 1 TV (Ontario - Agenda morning show) re: federal Liberal government does little to prevent banks from gouging Canadians with excessive service charges and credit card interest rates


December 21 - Duff Conacher on CBC Radio's "The Current" re: need for effective corporate regulation and creation of citizen watchdog groups in Canada (To listen to the interview, scroll down page this link takes you to and click on "Part 3" link (you will need Real Audio software to listen to the piece) the piece starts 9 minutes 24 seconds into Part 3 of the show and runs almost to the end of the show)

December 14 - 940 News Talk Radio (Montreal) re: five of Canada's six big banks have sent faxes containing customers personal financial information to the wrong locations

December 13 - CFUV Radio (Victoria) re: federal Liberal government's negligence in failing to requiring banks to prove that their branch closures have been justified, and that credit card interest rates and service charges do not amount to gouging

December 11 , 2004 -  Duff Conacher on CBC Radio's "The House" Calling for More Comprehensive, Effective Regulation of Investment Industry (To listen to the piece, click on the "Dec. 11" link under the heading "2004" on the page this link takes you to (you will need Real Audio software to listen to the piece) the piece starts 27 minutes 37 seconds into the show, and ends 36 minutes 22 seconds into the show)

December 7 - CKLW Talk Radio (Windsor) re: federal Liberal government's negligence in failing to requiring banks to prove that their branch closures have been justified, and that credit card interest rates and service charges do not amount to gouging

December 7 - Toronto Sun re: federal Liberal government's negligence in failing to requiring banks to prove that their branch closures have been justified, and that credit card interest rates and service charges do not amount to gouging

September 3 - Radio Canada re: CIBC closing 5 bank branches and replacing them with 1 branch, and lack of federal government action to ensure that banks do not close branches unjustifiably

September 2 - CBC Radio (Edmonton) news re: CIBC closing 5 bank branches and replacing them with 1 branch, and lack of federal government action to ensure that banks do not close branches unjustifiably

September 2 - CBC Radio (Edmonton) morning show re: CIBC closing 5 bank branches and replacing them with 1 branch, and lack of federal government action to ensure that banks do not close branches unjustifiably

July 29 - CBC TV's "The National" re: CIBC software update problem affects 60,000 customer's bank accounts and reveals dangers of electronic, paperless banking

July 28 - QR77 Talk Radio (Alberta - afternoon show) re: gaps in bank accountability and need for creation of bank watchdog group

July 23 - Nunatsiaq News (Iqualuit, Nunavut) re: governments can keep bank branches open anywhere they want by refusing to make deposits of government funds into banks that refuse to provide full service to every neighbourhood and community

June 21 - Toronto Star re: measures needed to prevent payday lenders from gouging customers

June 19 - Toronto Star re: payday lenders and measures needed to prevent them from gouging customers

June 4 - 940 News Radio (Montreal) re: Royal Bank computer problem causes bank account problems for thousands of customers

June 4 - Montreal Gazette re: Royal Bank computer problem causes bank account problems for thousands of customers

May 22 - CBC Radio news (Ontario) re: CIBC closing bank branch in Cobalt, Ontario and lack of government action to stop unjustifiable branch closures

April 4 - Vancouver Province re: credit card interest rates and service charges amount to gouging by Canada's big bank

February 16-29 issue of Canadian Business magazine re: what CIBC bank should do to recover from lending and investment scandals

January 29 - PaulMartinTime.ca re: Paul Martin's record on democratic reforms, ethics, bank and corporate responsibility

January 28 - Montreal Gazette re: banks unjustifiably closing branches in low-income neighbourhoods

January 28 - Toronto Star re: bank executives make millions while their banks break the law



March 12 - Toronto Star “Banks under credit card attack” re: bank accountability

March 6 - Ottawa Sun by Matthews “ATM fees charge up critics” re: bank accountability

February 6 - National Post by Ian Jack “Merging Banks Should Share ATMs” re: bank accountability

February 5 - House of Commons Finance Committee re: strengthening bank merger review process


December 18 - Toronto Star “Cash & Save competes with cheque-cashing outlets” re: bank accountability

October 25 - Globe and Mail “Manely stokes merger hopes” re: bank accountability

October 25 - Toronto Star “Manley bids to restart bank mergers debate” re: bank accountability

September 8 - Global TV News “How retired oilman lost his millions” re: bank accountability

September 8 - Calgary Herald “How retired oilman lost his millions” re: bank accountability

September 7 - Calgary Harald “Former city bank officer sought in $9M US fraud case” re: bank accountability

September 1 - Ottawa Citizen “Watching out for your money” re: bank accountability

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada meeting, June 19: New banking law measures and enforcement

May 16 - National Post “Financial watchdog fails fist test” re: bank accountability

April 9 - National Post “Credit-card interest rates hit record high” re: bank accountability

April 9 - Mail-Star “Royal Bank refuding Visa users” re: bank accountability

April 9 - Vancouver Sun “Royal Bank refund heartens credit-card class action” re: bank accountability

April 9 - Sudbury Star “consumers urged to pay credit card debt quickly” re: bank accountability

April 9 - Ottawa Citizen “Most card-holders ignorant of true cost: watch dog” re: bank accountability

April 9 - Globe and Mail by Partridge “RBC repaying interest charges” re: bank accountability

February 25 - Vancouver Sun “Why women worry” re: bank accountability

January 18 - Toronto Star “Big Banks defend credit card rates” re: bank accountability

January 17 - National Post “Credit card rate 'grotesque’” re: bank accountability



August 29 - Financial Post "So who's running the Bank of Canada?" re: bank accountability

June 17 - Globe and Mail "PQ funding to activist group surprises banks" re: bank accountability

June 17 - Ottawa Citizen "Bank activist funded by PQ" re: bank accountability

June 15 - Globe and Mail re: Introduction of new banking legislation

June 15 - CBC National Radio News re: Introduction of new banking legislation

June 14 - CKNW "Bill Good Show" re: Introduction of new banking legislation

June 14 - CHML Talk Radio re: Introduction of new banking legislation

June 14 - Toronto Sun re: introduction of new banking legislation

June 14 - La Presse Montreal "Le Pont de vue des consommateurs pris en consideration" re: banking accountability

June 14 - Toronto Star "New Finacial Services Rules Tighten Consumer Protection" re: bank accountability

June 14 - Financial Po st "Observers say Paul Martin wants to constrain consolidation in banking industry" re: banking accountability

June 13 - CBC Newsworld's "Dayside" show re: Introduction of new banking legislation

June 13 - TVO "Studio 2" show re: Introduction of new banking legislation

June 13 - CBC TV Online re: Introduction of new banking legislation

June 13 - CTV National News re: Introduction of new banking legislation

Senate Banking Committee, May 2: Bill C-8 changes to federal banking law

House of Commons Finance Committee, March 15: Bill C-8 changes to federal banking law

February 24 - Montreal Gazette “Royal’s Cleghorn is retiring” re: Bank accountability

February 24 - Toronto Star “Cleghorn leaving top job at Royal Bank” re: Bank accountability

February 8 - Globe and Mail “Banking reform bill reborn” re: Bank accountability

February 8 - Toronto Star “Banking bill lacks safeguards, critics charge” re: Bank accountability


Tuesday, January 11, CJAD (Montreal), Former Bank of Montreal CEO Matthew Barrett's Stock Options and Severance Package

January 18 - CBC TV's "Marketplace" show re: "Generic" and "white label" bank machines give Canada's big banks a new opportunity to gouge customers

January 19 - Varsity News re: Bank accountability

Friday, February 25, Toronto Sun, Credit Unions

Wednesday, March 22, CKCU (Ottawa) Special Blend Morning Show, CCRC

March / April, Money Sense, CCRC and Consumers' Association of Canada

Thursday, April 27, The Straight Goods (On-Line Publication), Bank Ombudsman

June / July, Money Sense, Fighting Back Against Bank Branch Closures

Monday, June 5, National Post, RCMP Visa Cards

Monday, June 5, CBC Radio (in Sudbury, Ottawa, Yellowknife, Montreal, Edmonton, Saint John, Halifax, Quebec City, Winnipeg, Windsor, Vancouver),
RCMP Visa Cards

Saturday, June 10, The Globe and Mail, Introduction of New Banking Legislation

Tuesday, June 13, TVO Studio 2, Introduction of New Banking Legislation
Tuesday, June 13, CTV NewsNet, Introduction of New Banking Legislation
Tuesday, June 13, CTV National News, Introduction of New Banking Legislation
Tuesday, June 13, CBC Newsworld's Dayside, Introduction of New Banking Legislation
Tuesday, June 13, CBC TV Online, Introduction of New Banking Legislation

Wednesday, June 14, The Globe and Mail, Introduction of New Banking Legislation
Wednesday, June 14, Financial Post, Introduction of New Banking Legislation
Wednesday, June 14, Toronto Sun, Introduction of New Banking Legislation
Wednesday, June 14, Halifax Chronicle Herald, Introduction of New Banking Legislation
Wednesday, June 14, La Presse, Introduction of New Banking Legislation

Wednesday, June 14, CKNW (Vancouver) Bill Good Show, Introduction of New Banking Legislation
Wednesday, June 14, CHML Talk Radio (Hamilton), Introduction of New Banking Legislation

Thursday, June 15, CBC National Radio News, Introduction of New Banking Legislation

Friday, June 16, Hamilton Spectator, Introduction of New Banking Legislation

July 7 - CJAD Talk Radio (Montreal) re: creation of financial consumer watchdog group in Canada

October 23 - Toronto Star re: election call stops bank accountability bill from becoming law

December 5 - Canada Invest magazine re: bank mergers


Thursday, January 14, QR77 Calgary, Bank ownership

Tuesday, January 26, CJAD Radio (Montreal), Banking issues

Thursday, February 11, CJAD Radio Montreal's The World Today, foreign bank branching legislation
Thursday, February 11, CBC-TV Montreal, Montreal Better Banks Not Bigger Banks Event

Monday, February 15, CJOB Radio Winnipeg, Banking service charges report
Monday, February 15, AM Talk 640, Banking service charges report
Monday, February 15, Global TV, Banking service charges report
Tuesday, February 16, Canada AM, Banking service charges report

Thursday, February 25, CBC Radio Morning Shows in Winnipeg, Halifax, Edmonton, Victoria, Vancouver, Kelowna, Mutual funds
Friday, February 26, CBC Radio Morning Shows in Ottawa and Quebec City, Mutual funds

March - April, Natural Life, Bank tax freedom day

May - June, Natural Life magazine: Campaign to Improve Banking Services

May 6 - 12, Capital City (Ottawa): Celebrities Advertising For Banks

Wednesday, June 23, CTV News, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Wednesday, June 23, CPAC, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Wednesday, June 23, Global TV News, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Wednesday, June 23, CBC TV (National), CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Wednesday, June 23, CFCM-TV News, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Wednesday, June 23, Réseau NTR, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Wednesday, June 23, ISN-TV, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Wednesday, June 23, TVA (Montreal), CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services

Wednesday, June 23, Radio Canada, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Wednesday, June 23, CFJC Kamloops, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Wednesday, June 23, CJOB Winnipeg, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Wednesday, June 23, All in a Day, CBC Ottawa, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Wednesday, June 23, AM Talk 640, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Wednesday, June 23, CFRB Toronto (The World Today), CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services

Thursday, June 24, CBC Radio Quebec City, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Thursday, June 24, CBC Montreal, Radio Noon, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Thursday, June 24, CBC Radio Afternoon Shows in Halifax, Vancouver, Sidney, Calgary, Whitehorse, Edmonton, Sudbury, Windsor, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Thursday, June 24, CJAD Montreal, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Thursday, June 24, QR77 Calgary's Rutherford Show, CCRC's Survey on Access to Banking Services
Thursday, June 24, CKNW Vancouver's The World Today, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services

Thursday, June 24, Financial Post, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Thursday, June 24, Ottawa Citizen, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Thursday, June 24, Le Journal de Montreal, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Thursday, June 24, Le Droit, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Thursday, June 24, The Globe and Mail, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Thursday, June 24, Ottawa Sun, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services
Thursday, June 24, Toronto Star, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services

Friday, June 25, CFPL Radio's Hot Talk (London), CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services and Paul Martin's policy paper
Friday, June 25, CFOS Radio (Owen Sound) CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services and Paul Martin's policy paper
Friday, June 25, QR77 Calgary's Rutherford Show, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services and Paul Martin's policy paper
Friday, June 25, AM Talk 640, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services and Paul Martin's policy paper
Friday, June 25, CJOB Winnipeg, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services and Paul Martin's policy paper
Friday, June 25, CKNW (Vancouver), CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services and Paul Martin's policy paper
Friday, June 25, CKLW Windsor, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services and Paul Martin's policy paper
Friday, June 25, CJAD Montreal, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services and Paul Martin's policy paper

Friday, June 25, CTV National News, Paul Martin's financial industry policy paper
Friday, June 25, CBC National News, Paul Martin's financial industry policy paper
Friday, June 25, Global TV News, Paul Martin's financial industry policy paper
Friday, June 25, ISN-TV News, Paul Martin's financial industry policy paper

Saturday, June 26, Ottawa Sun, Paul Martin's financial industry policy paper
Saturday, June 26, Le Journal de Montreal, Paul Martin's financial industry policy paper
Saturday, June 26, Ottawa Citizen, Paul Martin's financial industry policy paper
Saturday, June 26, Globe and Mail, Paul Martin's financial industry policy paper
Saturday, June 26, National Post, Paul Martin's financial industry policy paper
Saturday, June 26, Financial Post, Paul Martin's financial industry policy paper

Tuesday, June 29, CKUT Radio McGill, CCRC's National Survey on Access to Banking Services

July, CBC Radio Saskatchewan, Current Affairs, banking issues

Wednesday, August 4, CFRA Radio (Ottawa), TD Bank takeover of Canada Trust
Thursday, August 5, QR77 Talk Radio (Alberta), TD Bank takeover of Canada Trust
Thursday, August 5, AM Talk 640 (Toronto), TD Bank takeover of Canada Trust
Thursday, August 5, CIQC Radio (Montreal), TD Bank takeover of Canada Trust

Monday, August 9, London Free Press: Editorial on Banks Selling Additional Financial Services

Thursday, September 23, Eye Weekly (Toronto), Problems with banking ombudsman

Wednesday, October 6, Montreal Gazette, Excessive bank service charges
Wednesday, October 6, Ottawa Citizen, Excessive bank service charges
Wednesday, October 6, Calgary Herald, Excessive bank service charges

Wednesday, October 6, CIQC (Montreal), Excessive bank service charges

Wednesday, October 6, QR77 (Calgary), Excessive bank service charges

Wednesday, October 6, CJAD (Montreal), Excessive bank service charges

Thursday, October 7, CBC (Quebec City), Excessive bank service charges

Monday, October 11, Halifax Chronicle Herald, Letter to editor re: bias of banking ombudsman

Wednesday, October 27, CBC National 10 o'clock news, Reductions in service by Bank of Montreal

Saturday, December 13, Maclean's, Review of Banking Industry

Winter 1999, Making Waves (CCE Publication), CCRC and Affordable Housing


Thursday, January 8th, an interview on CBC Radio Winnipeg on the comparison between credit unions and banks; Monday, January 12th, an interview on CBC Radio Sudbury about bank service charges;

Tuesday, January 13th, an interview on CBC-TV Newsworld's show "Politics", a piece on CBC National Radio News, and an interview on Fairchild TV News (a national Chinese-language TV station) concerning the launch of the banks' 5-year, $20 million public relations campaign;
Wednesday, January 14th, an article in the Financial Post, and an interview on CBC Radio Winnipeg's noon show, concerning the banks' public relations campaign;
Thursday, January 15th, an article in the Toronto Sun concerning the banks' public relations campaign;

Thursday, January 15th, an article in the Winnipeg Free Press about bank service charges; Monday, January 19th, an article will be in the Ottawa Citizen about service charges;

Thursday, January 22nd, on the Jane Hawtin Live TV show, on a panel on the banks' public relations campaign.

Friday, January 23rd, about the proposed merger between the Royal Bank and the Bank of Montreal, radio interviews on CBC Radio Ontario Noon show, on CBC Vancouver radio news, on CFRB Toronto Talk Radio morning show, on CJAD Talk Radio Montreal afternoon show, on CBC National Radio's "The World at Six"; TV interviews on Global TV National News, CBC National News, CBC National Magazine (feature), CBC Newsworld's "The Lead", ISN satellite news (fed to stations in B.C., Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario), and CBC-TV News (Ottawa).

Saturday, January 24th, about the proposed merger, interviews on CBC Radio's "The World This Weekend" (feature), a feature piece on CBC Newsworld's "Face Off" (re-broadcast on Sunday), in the Southam news wire story about the proposed bank merger (published in the Ottawa Citizen, The Windsor Star and other papers across the country), and in the Montreal Gazette. OPIRG-Guelph's Bank Action Working Group were quoted in a story in the Guelph Mercury about the proposed merger.

Sunday, January 25th, in the Toronto Sun columnist Linda Leatherdale's column about the proposed bank merger.

Monday, January 26th, on CBC Radio Toronto (French) about the proposed bank merger.

Tuesday, January 27th, on CBC Radio Winnipeg morning show re: the proposed bank merger.

January 29-February 5th issue of the Georgia Straight, in a story about the banks' $20 million public relations campaign and the CCRC's proposals; and in the Jan 29-Feb 5th issue of the Montreal Mirror, a brief story about the proposed bank merger.

Friday, January 30th, an op-ed about the proposed bank merger published in the Montreal Gazette; the op-ed (in slightly different forms) has since been published in the London Free Press (week of Feb 3rd), the PEI Guardian (Feb 11th), and Toronto Star (Feb 16th) and a shorter, letter version of the op-ed has been published in the Globe and Mail (February 16th), the Halifax Chronicle Herald, and the Ottawa Business Journal (February 9th).

Saturday, January 31st, in a feature piece in the Montreal Gazette about Harold MacKay, chair of the Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector.

Monday, February 2nd, in Monday Magazine (Victoria), about the proposed bank merger.

Wednesday, February 4th, on CBC Radio Ottawa morning show, about electronic banking and service fees; and a letter published in the Ottawa Citizen about the proposed bank merger.

Thursday, February 5th, on CBC Radio Windsor morning show, one hour phone¥in on banks and service to communities etc.

Friday, February 6th, on CBC Radio (everywhere north of Metro Toronto) morning show, about electronic banking and service fees.

Saturday, February 7th, in the Winnipeg Sun, an article about credit unions vs. banks.

Monday, February 9th, in a re-publication in the Ottawa Citizen of the feature piece in the Montreal Gazette about Harold MacKay, chair of the Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector.

February 12-19th issue of the Montreal Mirror, a feature on the CCRC's proposals and Yves Michaud's shareholder activism.

Sunday, February 15th, in a feature piece on bank closures in the Montreal Gazette.

Monday, February 16, The Toronto Star, Bank merger editorial March, Prairie Dog Magazine (Regina), Article explaining effects of bank mergers March, The Bottom Line (Spotlight on Financial Services), Bank accountability;
Friday, March 6, The Financial Post, Letter to the editor regarding bank mergers and accountability
Friday, March 6, The Toronto Star, Record bank profits
Monday, March 9, The Hill Times, Letter to the editor regarding CRA explanation
Thursday, March 12, The Ottawa XPress, Proposal for bank mail-outs for FCO

Monday, March 16, Terry Moore Morning Show, QR77 Calgary, CCRC campaign
Wednesday, March 18, "As It Happens", CBC Radio, Bank branch closures
Sunday, March 22, Catholic New Times, Article on bank mergers
Monday, March 23,, The Gazette (Montreal), Tied selling and Financial Consumer Organization
Wednesday, March 25, CBC Radio Windsor, Small business lending and CRA
Friday, March 27, The Toronto Sun, Proposal to legislate low-cost bank accounts for customers
Monday, March 30, CKCU Radio Carleton, CCRC website and campaign
Tuesday, March 31, CJOB Winnipeg, Tied selling
April, Peace and Environment News, Article on the growing bank reform movement
April, Economic Reform, Letter to the editor regarding bank mergers and CRA
Saturday, April 11, The Gazette (Montreal), Commentary on John Cleghorn and bank accountability
April 16, Citizens for Public Justice National newsletter, Bank accountability

Friday, April 17, CHML Talk Radio (Hamilton), CIBC/TD Bank proposed merger
Friday, April 17, AM Talk 640 Radio (Toronto), CIBC/TD Bank proposed merger
Friday, April 17, CBC Newsworld's "The Lead", CIBC/TD Bank proposed merger
Friday, April 17, CBC-TV's National Magazine, CIBC/TD Bank proposed merger
Friday, April 17, CTV National News (and News One), CIBC/TD Bank proposed merger
Friday, April 17, CJOB Radio Winnipeg, CIBC/TD Bank proposed merger
Friday, April 17, CKNW Vancouver Radio, CIBC/TD Bank proposed merger
Monday, April 20, CBC Radio Morning Shows in St. John's, Cornerbrook, Charlottetown, Moncton, Toronto, Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Winnipeg, Regina, Edmonton, Calgary, Kelowna, Vancouver, CIBC/TD Bank proposed merger
Monday, April 20, CBC Radio Winnipeg Noon Phone-In Show, CIBC/TD Bank proposed merger
Tuesday, April 21, Chronicle-Herald, Bank mergers
Tuesday, April 21, The Toronto Star, Bank mergers May, The Financial Post Magazine, Letter to the editor on bank mergers May, The CCPA Monitor, Article on bank accountability May/June, Natural Life, Article on bank mergers and accountability;

Wednesday, May 6, The Ottawa Citizen, Bank accountability and small businesses
Wednesday, May 6, Times Colonist, Bank accountability and small businesses
Wednesday, May 6, The Windsor Star, Bank accountability and small businesses
Wednesday, May 6, The Kingston Whig-Standard, Bank accountability and small businesses
Wednesday, May 6, The Hamilton Spectator, Bank accountability and small businesses
Wednesday, May 6, The Edmonton Journal, Bank accountability and small businesses

May 7-13, NOW Magazine, Article on CCRC mandate
Thursday, May 7, NOW Magazine, Letter to the editor regarding bank mergers and accountability
Friday, May 8, The Ottawa Citizen, Editorial on bank accountability
Saturday, May 9, The Financial Post, Article on CCRC mandate
Thursday, May 14, Sterling Faux Show, CKNW, CCRC and bank mergers
Friday, May 15, "Off the House" CKUT McGill, CCRC and bank mergers
Friday, May 15, The Toronto Sun, Bank mergers and accountability
Tuesday, May 26, The Toronto Star, Bank mergers
Wednesday, May 27, The Toronto Sun, Bank profits, mergers, and accountability

Friday, May 29, AM Talk 640, 6th position paper
Friday, May 29, CHED Edmonton, 6th position paper
Friday, May 29, Leslie Primeau show, QR77 Calgary, 6th position paper
Friday, May 29, The Ottawa Citizen, Bank mergers
Friday, May 29, The Financial Post, Bank mergers

June, The Long Haul (End Legislated Poverty's Newsletter), Bank mergers and accountability
June, First Reading (Alberta's Social Issues Magazine), Bank mergers and accountability
Friday, June 5, The Ottawa Citizen, Comments on Liberal caucus task force on bank mergers
Tuesday, June 9, The Ottawa Citizen, Letter to the editor regarding report by the C.D.Howe Institute on bank mergers Thursday, June 11, CBC Radio Windsor, CCRC and credit cards
Friday, June 19, The Globe and Mail, Senator urges community ratings for banks
Friday, June 19, The Globe and Mail, Peter Godsoe comments on bank mergers
May/June, Social Investment Organization Forum, article on bank mergers
May/June, Our Times magazine, article on bank mergers

Saturday, June 27, The Ottawa Citizen, Southam wire story re: Senator, bankers' support of CRA for Canada
Saturday, June 27, Vancouver Sun, Southam wire story re: Senator, bankers' support of CRA for Canada
Tuesday, June 30, CJOB Winnipeg Talk Radio, Senator, bankers' support of CRA for Canada
Thursday, July 2, CBC Thunder Bay, Senator, bankers' support of CRA for Canada

Friday, July 3, The Ottawa Citizen, letter to editor regarding effect of the CCRC

Thursday, July 9, Southam wire story published in the Ottawa Citizen, Montreal Gazette, Windsor Star re: Bank profit margins in retail vs. electronic banking
Thursday, July 9, CTV Canada AM, Bank profit margins in retail vs. electronic banking
Thursday, July 9, Radio Canada's "Le midi quinze" show (Montreal), Bank profit margins in retail vs. electronic banking Thursday, July 9, CKLW Radio (Windsor), Bank profit margins in retail vs. electronic banking

Friday, July 10, CBC Radio Morning shows in St. John's, Sydney, Quebec City, Toronto, Southern Ontario (outside Toronto), Thunder Bay, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, re: Credit card profits and practices

Monday, July 13, CKNW Radio (Vancouver), Bank profit margins in retail vs. electronic banking

Wednesday, July 15, CBC Newsworld's "Politics" show, Competition Bureau bank merger review guidelines Wednesday, July 15, Independent Satellite News (broadcast on 18 stations in Western Provinces and Ontario), Competition Bureau bank merger review guidelines
Wednesday, July 15, Global TV National News, Competition Bureau bank merger review guidelines
Wednesday, July 15, CBC Radio Noon show (Montreal), Competition Bureau bank merger review guidelines Wednesday, July 15, QR77 Talk Radio Morning Show (Calgary), Competition Bureau bank merger review guidelines Wednesday, July 15, CBC Newsworld's "Politics" show, Competition Bureau bank merger review guidelines
Thursday, July 16, Southam wire story published in the Ottawa Citizen, Competition Bureau bank merger review guidelines
Thursday, July 16, The Toronto Star, Competition Bureau bank merger review guidelines

July/August Briarpatch (Saskatchewan's Independent Newsmagazine), bank mergers and the CRA

Maclean's Magazine, July 27th issue, Editorial on bank mergers and bank accountability

Wednesday, July 29, CKNW Vancouver (Rafe Mair show), Bank mergers and accountability issues

Tuesday, August 4, The Toronto Star, Competition Bureau merger review process

Friday, August 14, The Globe and Mail, Editorial on better banks, not bigger banks

Sunday, August 16, The Toronto Star, Feature on Community Reinvestment Act for Canada

Friday, August 21, CKOV Kelowna Talk Radio, CCRC and banking accountability
Thursday, August 27, CBC Radio Halifax, Morning Show, CCRC and banking accountability

Wednesday, September 9, Southam wire story in The Ottawa Citizen, Vancouver Sun, and other Southam papers, Fraser Institute study of bank mergers

Wednesday, September 9, CBC National Radio news, Banc One"s new credit card operation

Thursday, September 10, CJAD Talk Radio (Montreal), CCRC's fall campaign
Thursday, September 10, CHML Talk Radio (Hamilton), CCRC's fall campaign
Friday, September 11, QR77 Talk Radio (Calgary), CCRC's fall campaign
Friday, September 11, ISN TV newswire (for 6 oÕclock news in 4 provinces), CCRC's fall campaign
Saturday, September 12, Toronto Star, CCRC's fall campaign
Sunday, September 13, CTV National News, CCRC's fall campaign

Tuesday, September 15, CJOB Talk Radio (Winnipeg), release of Task Force report
Tuesday, September 15, CKNW News (Vancouver), release of Task Force report
Tuesday, September 15, CBC Radio (Vancouver), release of Task Force report
Tuesday, September 15, CKNW Radio, Rafe Mair show (Vancouver), release of Task Force report
Tuesday, September 15, CBC Radio (Winnipeg), release of Task Force report
Tuesday, September 15, CPAC, news conference on release of Task Force report
Tuesday, September 15, CBC TV Newsworld, Benmurgui Live, release of Task Force report
Tuesday, September 15, CBC TV Edmonton news, release of Task Force report
Tuesday, September 15, CTV News 1, feature interview, release of Task Force report
Tuesday, September 15, CTV National News, release of Task Force report

Wednesday, September 16, CKNW Radio, Sterling Faux show (Vancouver), release of Task Force report
Wednesday, September 16, CFAX Radio (Victoria), release of Task Force report
Wednesday, September 16, Winnipeg Free Press, release of Task Force report
Wednesday, September 16, New York Times, release of Task Force report
Wednesday, September 16, ISN wire story for 6 oÕclock news, release of Task Force report

Saturday, September 19, Kamloops Daily, CCRC event and campaign in Kamloops

Monday, September 23, Monday Magazine (Victoria), CCRC event and campaign in Victoria

Tuesday, September 22, CKEG Radio Nanaimo, CCRC event and campaign in Nanaimo

Tuesday, September 22, CFAX Radio Victoria, CCRC event and campaign in Victoria

Wednesday, September 23, Nanaimo Daily News, CCRC event and campaign in Nanaimo

Wednesday, September 23, CFUV (UVIC Radio), CCRC event and campaign in Victoria
Wednesday, September 23, CJVI-AM 900 Victoria, CCRC event and campaign in Victoria

Friday, September 25, Community Newspapers (Victoria area), CCRC campaign in Victoria

Saturday, September 26, Ottawa Citizen, Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Windsor Star, Calgary Herald and Edmonton Journal, CCRC appearance before Commons Finance Committee
Saturday, September 26, Toronto Star, CCRC appearance before Commons Finance Committee

Friday, October 2, London Free Press, Foreign bank entry into Canada

Saturday, October 3, Winnipeg Free Press, Access to basic banking services story

Tuesday, October 6, CBC TV Marketplace, feature piece on bank branch closures

Fall 1998, Making Waves, article on CCRC"s campaign

Thursday, October 8, Brock University newspaper, St. Catharines Better Banks Not Bigger Banks event

ON-TV, October 14, St. Catharines Better Banks Not Bigger Banks event CHSC Radio (St. Catharines), October 14, St. Catharines Better Banks Not Bigger Banks event

October 19-24, Niagara Falls Review, St. Catharines Better Banks Not Bigger Banks event

CKWL Radio Windsor, Friday, October 30: Small Business Lending and CRA

CJFC Radio Kamloops, Friday, October 30: Liberal Caucus Committee Report on Banking Issues

Wednesday, November 11, CBC Radio afternoon shows in Montreal, Sudbury, Windsor, Edomonton, Vancouver, Financial Consumer Organization proposal

CJOB Winnipeg Radio Thursday, November 12: Financial Consumer Organization proposal

Friday, November 13, QR77 Radio (Alberta), Financial Consumer Organization proposal

CBC Midday Radio (Edmonton), Tuesday, November 17: Better, Not Bigger, Banks

Thursday, December 3, CHQC Radio (Kamloops), Senate Banking Committee Report

Friday, December 4, National Post (Terence Corcoran's column), Bank Mergers

Wednesday, December 9, QR77 Radio (Alberta), Bank Mergers and committee reports

Monday, December 14, CJAD Radio (Montreal), Bank Mergers
Monday, December 14, CFRA Radio (Ottawa), Bank Mergers
Monday, December 14, CBC Radio (Montreal), Bank Mergers Monday, December 14, CBC Radio (Vancouver), Bank Mergers
Monday, December 14, CTV News One, Bank Mergers Monday, December 14, Global TV News, Bank Mergers

Tuesday, December 15, Talk 640 Radio (Toronto), Bank Mergers
Tuesday, December 15, Toronto Sun, Bank Mergers
Tuesday, December 15, Ottawa Citizen and all Southam newspapers, Bank Mergers
Tuesday, December 15, Winnipeg Free Press, Bank Mergers

December 21-25, Niagara Falls Review, Bank Mergers


Wednesday, January 15th, the Dave Taylor show at noon on QR77 Calgary Talk Radio;

Wednesday, January 29th, the Dave Taylor show at 7:30 pm on QR77 Calgary Talk Radio;

Thursday, January 30th, the late show at 10:30 pm on CJAD Montreal Talk Radio;

Thursday, February 20th, the Rafe Mair show on CKNW Vancouver Talk Radio re: changes to the Bank Act;

Wednesday, March 5th article in The Ottawa Citizen business section;

April issue of HOUR Magazine (Montreal), for an article on the issue of access to basic banking services;

April's issue of the Sustainable Times newspaper (published by the organization CUSO Atlantic and distributed across the country), a feature article on the CCRC and its issues;

Sunday, April 20, on the Sterling Faux show on the CKNW in Vancouver (and other radio stations in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario);

Monday, April 21, on the Charles McLean show, AM 1040, Vancouver;

Wednesday, April 23, on the Rafe Mair show, CKNW, Vancouver;

Wednesday, April 23, on BCTV's Canada Tonight show (broadcast in B.C. only);

Thursday, May 15th edition of NOW Magazine (article by Alice Klein); and Sunday, May 18th edition of The Toronto Star, an article on the federal party platforms and especially community reinvestment issues, which mentioned the CCRC;

May 26, the Ottawa Business Journal published a letter from Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch, about statements made by Industry Minister John Manley about access to capital for small business not being a problem anymore. The letter mentioned the CCRC.

May 28, the Financial Post published a letter from Duff Conacher, Coordinator of Democracy Watch, concerning the inaccuracies in the Post's April 16th article about the federal party platforms on bank lending. The letter mentioned the CCRC;
Thursday, May 29th, a Southam wire story concerning the Royal Bank profits was sent across the country, and mentioned the CCRC. We have confirmed that it was published in the Ottawa Citizen, the Montreal Gazette and the Vancouver Province's business sections, but it was also probably published in many other Southam papers;

June 4, Duff Conacher appeared as the Coordinator of Democracy Watch on CBC Newsworld's show "Politics" with Don Newman, to talk about the new Parliament and interest group lobbying. Duff used banking issues and the CCRC as an example of an interest group lobbying effort that had broad support from the parties and many avenues of access (and hopefully influence) in the new Parliament;

June 5, a letter from Duff Conacher was published in NOW Magazine concerning their May 15th article on the NDP's election platform on bank lending issues. The letter mentioned the CCRC and its address;

June 6, a one hour interview on QR77 Calgary talk radio's morning show concerning bank profits and the CCRC;

June 9, a one hour interview on CJAD Montreal talk radio concerning a wide range of banking issues and the CCRC;

June 10, a story on the Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector in the Toronto Star mentioned the CCRC; the story ran in the Ottawa Citizen on June 11;

June 13, an interview on CBC Radio Ottawa's morning show about the Task Force's Discussion Paper, the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement and the CCRC, also a brief interview at 6 am on QR77 Calgary talk radio, and a one-hour interview at 10 am on QR77 Calgary talk radio;

June 14, articles in the business sections of the following newspapers about the Task Force's paper with quotes from Duff Conacher and summaries of the concerns of the CCRC: the Globe and Mail, the Financial Post, the Toronto Star, a Southam wire story in the Ottawa Citizen, the Montreal Gazette, the Vancouver Sun (and probably also the Calgary Herald, the Edmonton Journal and other Southam papers); the Canadian Press wire story mentioned the CCRC's concerns very briefly (and not by name) and it ran in the French papers in Quebec and also in the Kingston Whig Standard and Winnipeg Free Press;

Monday, June 16th, the CCRC was mentioned, although not by name, in Jonathan Ferguson's column in The Toronto Star re:the release of the Task Force's discussion paper;

June 19th, an interview on CBC Radio Ottawa's Radio Noon about the Task Force's Discussion Paper, the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement and the CCRC;

Monday, June 23rd, the CCRC was mentioned, although not by name, in Jonathan Ferguson's column in The Toronto Star re: release of the Task Force's discussion paper;

Tuesday, June 24th, on QR77 Calgary Talk Radio's afternoon show, about bank takeovers of the trust and insurance companies;

June 25th, in response to announcements that the Bank of Nova Scotia and Royal Bank want to take over other financial institutions, stories in the Ottawa Citizen, the Montreal Gazette, the Winnipeg Free Press, the Calgary Herald, and the Kingston Whig-Standard;

Saturday, June 28th, in response to the announcement that the Royal Bank wants to take over London Life, articles in the Winnipeg Free Press and the Kitchener-Waterloo Record;

Sunday, June 29th, in an article in the Ottawa Citizen concerning the World Trade Organization and international trade agreements;

Friday, July 4th, in the Globe and Mail story concerning the conflict of interest situation of James Baillie, Chair of the Task Force (the story prompted Baillie to resign as Chair);

Saturday, July 5th, the CCRC was mentioned, although not by name, in Jonathan Ferguson's column in The Toronto Star in the context of James Baillie's resignation;

Friday, July 10th, on QR77 Calgary Talk Radio's afternoon show, about the Task Force's report on mergers in the financial services industry;

Saturday, July 12th, in response to the release of the Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector's report on financial institution mergers, articles in the Toronto Star, London Free Press, Hamilton Spectator, Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald, Winnipeg Free Press, Vancouver Sun, and New Brunswick Telegraph Journal.

Sunday, July 13th, in Linda Leatherdale's column in the Toronto Sun about bank service charges and credit card interest rates;

Tuesday, July 15th, on the Rafe Mair show, CKNW Vancouver, on CCRC and bank mergers;

Wednesday, July 16th, on CJAD Talk Radio Montreal, the Tommy Schnurmacher show, concerning federal Superintendent of Financial Institutions John Palmer's comments that Canadians are well-served by our chartered banks;

Wednesday, July 16th, an Southam News article published in the Ottawa Citizen, the Montreal Gazette, the Calgary Herald and the Toronto Star about John Palmer's comments;

Wednesday, July 16th and Thursday, July 17th, on CBC National Radio's World Report, in response to the release of the Bank of Montreal's position paper on financial services issues;

Thursday, July 17th, on CKGM Radio's Montreal This Morning show, concerning federal Superintendent of Financial Institutions John Palmer's comments;

Thursday, July 17th, in response to the release of the Bank of Montreal's position paper on financial services issues (submitted to the Task Force), articles in the Toronto Star, the Montreal Gazette, and the Vancouver Province;

Tuesday, July 22nd, on the appointment of the new Task Force Chairman, Harold MacKay, articles in the Ottawa Citizen, Montreal Gazette, Hamilton Spectator, Calgary Herald;

Wednesday, July 23rd, the CCRC was mentioned, although not by name, in Jonathan Ferguson's column in The Toronto Star re: the appointment of a new Chair of the Task Force; Monday, July 28th, on AM Talk 640's afternoon show, re: CCRC and bank mergers;

Tuesday, July 29th, on CFRB Toronto's Mike Stafford show, an interview about the CCRC and bank ombudsmen;

Wednesday, August 6th, a letter to the editor from the CCRC was published in the Financial Post concerning an earlier column by

Wednesday, August 6th in the Vancouver Sun, the Edmonton Journal, the Regina Leader Post, the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, the Sudbury Star and the Cape Breton Post;

Saturday, August 9th, a letter to the editor from the CCRC was published in the Globe and Mail concerning two previous editorials by the Globe and Mail about financial services, competition, and benefits to consumers;

Wednesday, August 13th, an interview on CKNW's late night Sterling Faux show, about the CCRC and the banks' handling of private customer information;

Thursday, August 21st, CBC Radio Montreal's "Daybreak" show an interview on the issues of the Great West Life Co. and Royal Bank takeover bids for London Life;

Saturday, August 23, an article in the Montreal Gazette concerning bank mergers;

Tuesday, August 26th, interviews on third-quarter bank profit reports on QR77 Calgary Radio's morning show, and CFRA Talk Radio Ottawa's afternoon show;

Thursday, August 28th, interviews on third-quarter bank profits on CTV Canada AM, on CIQC Radio Montreal and, on CJAD Radio Montreal;

Saturday, September 6th, a Canadian Press story that was published in the Sudbury Star Sunday, September 7th, in the Toronto Sun;

Tuesday, September 9th, an interview on CBC Radio Cape Breton's morning show;

Thursday, September 11, a talkback segment on CBC Newsworld's Business News;

Friday, September 12, an interview on CHML Hamilton Talk Radio;

Monday, September 15, in response to the release of our Position Paper on the Canadian Banking Ombudsman system (the first Position Paper the CCRC has released), a piece on CFRB Radio News, a piece on BBS TV News Network, a piece on CBC Radio News, and interview on CFRB's "The World Today" Show;

Tuesday, September 16, in response to our Ombudsman Position Paper, an interview on CJAD Talk Radio Montreal, and articles in the
Globe and Mail, the Financial Post, the Calgary Herald and the Windsor Star;

Thursday, September 18, in response to our Ombudsman Position Paper an interview on QR77 Calgary Talk Radio's morning show, an interview on CBC Montreal Radio's "Daybreak" show;
and an editorial in the Financial Post supporting our recommendations;

Monday, September 15th, Lisa Jacobs of New Dawn Enterprises did an interview with CBC Radio Cape Breton about community reinvestment issues and the coalition;

Thursday, September 18, an article about our proposed financial consumer organization, in the Georgia Straight (Vancouver);

Wednesday, September 24th, an interview on CKCU Radio (Ottawa) concerning the issues of concern to the CCRC;

Fall issue of Making Waves, the quarterly publication of the Centre for Community Enterprise in B.C., an article updating the activities of the CCRC was published;

Friday, October 17th, about the release of our Access to Basic Banking Services Position Paper, an interview on CJAD Radio Montreal's afternoon show; Friday, October 17th, the Ottawa news conference was broadcast in full on CPAC (the Cable Public Affairs Channel);

Friday, October 17th, an interview for a feature piece on access issues on CBC-TV news (English) in Montreal;

Friday, October 17th, an interview for CBC Radio (French) morning radio show;

Saturday, October 18th, a Southam News article about the release of our Access to Basic Banking Services Position Paper that was published in the Montreal Gazette, the Kitchener Waterloo Record, the Hamilton Spectator, the Calgary Herald, the New Brunswick Telegraph Journal, and the Edmonton Journal; a Canadian Press article that was published in the Vancouver Sun, the Winnipeg Sun, the Cape Breton Post, and the London Free Press; and an article in the Financial Post;

Monday, October 21st, Alternatives North issued a news release concerning our Access to Basic Banking Services paper, and were interviewed on CBC North Radio;

Thursday, October 23rd, an article in the Globe and Mail about the federal Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector, and its policy direction;

Wednesday, November 5th, an interview on CBC Radio Vancouver's morning show, and an interview on QR77 Calgary Talk Radio (afternoon show), concerning banks, consumers and the CCRC's proposals;

Tuesday, November 18th, coverage on CFRB Radio Toronto news about the release of the CCRC's third Position Paper, on the issue of the Bank Business Lending Disclosure System;

Wednesday, November 19th, about the release of the CCRC's third Position Paper, articles in the Toronto Star, the Ottawa Sun, and a Canadian Press article published in the Ottawa Citizen and the London Free Press;

Thursday, November 21st, on TVA TV news (Montreal), a story on TD Bank profits;

Friday, November 21st, about the TD Bank profits, a Canadian Press article published in the Winnipeg Free Press, the Ottawa Sun, Le Droit, Le Soleil, and the Sudbury Star;

Friday, November 21st, an article in the Ottawa Sun about the CCRC's position paper on bank business lending disclosure;

Tuesday, November 25th, a Canadian Press article about the CCRC's paper on bank business lending dislcosure published in the Kingston Whig Standard, the Montreal Gazette, the Vancouver Sun, the Hamilton Spectator, and the Winnipeg Free Press;

Monday, November 24th, on CBC Radio Regional News, a story on withdrawal of bank service by the Royal Bank;

Tuesday, November 25th, in a Globe and Mail special report on Financial Services, an article about the Canadian banking ombudsman covered the CCRC's proposals for changes;

Thursday, November 27th, a Canadian Press story about bank service charges published in the London Free Press;

November 27th- December 4th issue of the Montreal Mirror, an article about the CCRC access to basic banking services position paper;

Wednesday, December 3rd, an article in the Toronto Star about the CCRC's fourth position paper on our proposal for the creation of a Financial Consumer Organization in Canada;

Wednesday, December 3rd, an interview on CKCU Radio (Ottawa) about bank profits and the CCRC's financial consumer organization proposal;

Thursday, December 4th, an interview on CBC National TV News, and CHML Talk Radio (Hamilton) morning show about bank profits;

Friday, December 5th, about the Big 6 Banks' profits, a Toronto Star article; and a Southam News article published in the Vancouver Sun, the Calgary Herald, the Ottawa Citizen, the Montreal Gazette, the Hamilton Spectator, the Kingston Whig Standard, and the Kitchener Waterloo Record;

Friday, December 5th, interviews on QR77 Talk Radio (Calgary) morning show, and CFRB Toronto (Charles Adler show) on bank profits and the CCRC's proposals;

Sunday, December 7th, about the Big 6 Banks' profits, an article in the Toronto Sun;

Monday, December 8th, interviews about bank profits and the CCRC's proposals on CBC Radio morning shows in St. John's, Quebec City, Ottawa, Toronto, Thunder Bay, Sudbury, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Prince George, Kelowna, and Whitehorse;

Saturday, December 13th, about bank profits and the CCRC's proposals, a piece on CBC Radio's show "The House";

Monday, December 15th, on CBC Winnipeg's noon show, an interview about bank profits;

December 15th issue of Maclean's, about the Big 6 Banks' profits, a brief article mentioning the CCRC's proposal for the creation of a financial consumer organization;

Monday, December 15th, OPIRG-Guelph's Bank Action Working Group were quoted in a story in the Guelph Mercury about a small business lending horror story.

Tuesday, December 16th, interviews on AM Talk 640 (Toronto), and CBC Radio (Ottawa) afternoon shows about the release of the CCRC's fifth position paper on a bank accountability system for Canada;

Wednesday, December 17th, about the release of the CCRC's fifth position paper, articles in the Ottawa Citizen, and the Toronto Star (including a column by David Crane); Thursday, December 18th, an interview on CBC Radio (Ottawa) morning show about the release of the CCRC's fifth position paper;

Wednesday, December 31st, an interview on CHUO Radio (Ottawa) about the proposals in the CCRC's 5th position paper


Appearance on Dec. 10th on the Jane Hawtin Live show on the Women's Television Network;

Interview on Dec. 10th on CJAD Talk Radio Montreal 4-6 pm show;

Interview on Dec. 11th on CBC Radio's Metro Morning show in Toronto;

Dec 11th, CCRC was mentioned briefly by the business panel on CBC Radio's Morningside program;

Dec. 11th, Globe and Mail, CCRC;

Dec. 11th, Cape Breton Post, CCRC;

Interview on Dec. 12th on CHUO Radio Ottawa, "5 O'Clock Train" show;

Interview on Dec. 14th on CKLN Radio Toronto on the morning show.

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Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition
P.O. Box 1040, Station B, Ottawa, Canada K1P 5R1
Tel: (613) 789-5753
Fax: (613) 241-4758
Email: cancrc@web.net

Copyright 2007 Canadian Community Reinvestment Coalition